| playing a role in hyaluroman, hyaluronic acid synthesis |
involved in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis |
regulates bladder cancer growth and progression by modulating HA synthesis and HA receptor levels |
HAS1, HAS2, HAS3 act on the inner face of plasma membrane and simultaneously translocate the growing polysaccharide through plasma membrane into extracellular space |
may mediate cellular invasion via changes in MMP7 expression (Dunn 2009) |
almost unable to secrete hyaluronan or form a hyaluronan coat, in contrast to HAS2 and HAS3  |
HAS1 activity requires a relatively high concentration for UDP-GlcNAc  |
is capable of creating a hyaluronan coat but only in the presence of generous amounts of the UDP-sugars  |
important role for HAS1 in conditions associated with abnormal glucose metabolism  |
HAS1-dependent coat is potentially induced by inflammatory agents and glycemic stress, mediated by altered presentation of either CD44 or hyaluronan, and can offer a rapid cellular response to injury and inflammation  |
HAS1 is the main enzyme responsible for Hyaluronan (HA) production by normal keratinocytes and thus, must be considered as an actor of normal keratinocyte differentiation  |
despite the apparently minor enzymatic activity of HAS1 under normal conditions, it may be an important factor under conditions associated with glycemic stress like metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and cancer  |
general tendency of HAS1, HAS2, HAS3 to form both homomeric and heteromeric complexes with potentially important functional consequences on hyaluronan synthesis  |