| involved in melanogenesis |
5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) oxidase |
is relevant to both autoimmune skin depigmentation (vitiligo) and tumor immunity, because it is expressed by both benign melanocytes and many malignant melanomas |
melanosomal protein involved in the pigmentary machinery of the melanocyte and often used as differentiation marker, with a special emphasis on its emerging roles in the malignant melanocyte and melanoma progression |
melanosomal enzyme playing a role in the eumelanin pathway |
is involved in modulation of pigment production in response to stressors |
is involved in maintaining the stability of tyrosinase protein and modulating its catalytic activity in eumelanin synthesis |
is also involved in maintenance of melanosome structure and affects melanocyte proliferation and cell death |
TYRP1 and DCT, exhibit specific expression in melanocytes, while also contributing to melanin synthesis within melanosomes |
role for VAMP7 in pigmentation by trafficking melanosomal cargoes such as TYRP1 from endosomes to maturing melanosomes |
VAMP7 and TYRP1 traffic to melanosomes in BLOC1S1–dependent membrane tubules |