| playing a role in the control of reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in association with RAC and in the regulation of the signal for cell survival |
DIAPH2 and FMNL1 mediate the formation of highly elastic F-actin networks as effectively and rapidly as alpha-actinin and filamin  |
is potentially responsible for modifying actin at the macrophage podosome and may be involved in actin cytoskeleton dynamics during adhesion and migration within tissues  |
regulates cellular F-actin levels required to maintain structural integrity of the Golgi complex and lysosomes  |
DIAPH1 and FMNL1 have been implicated in centrosome reorientation to the immunological synapse of T lymphocytes  |
DIAPH1 and FMNL1 are novel regulators of spirochete uptake by human immune cells  |
stimulates leukemia cell proliferation as well as migration, and potentially contributes to leukemogenesis and could act in part through RAC1 regulation  |
upon TCR triggering the INF2 formin, together with the formins DIAPH1 and FMNL1, promotes the formation of a specialized array of stable detyrosinated MT that breaks the symmetrical organization of the T-cell microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton  |
DIAPH2, DAAM1, FMNL1, and FMNL2 were found to be required for myofibrillogenesis, non-redundantly  |