| a N terminal actin-binding domain, N terminus containing two calponin-homology (CH) domains that bind actin, a plakin domain, and a long spectrin-repeat rod domain that confers flexibility  |
a central rod region with 37 spectrin-like repeats |
an intrinsic actin-regulated ATPase domain |
a SH3 domain |
ATPase domain that is required for microtubule tracking along actin fibers toward focal adhesions  |
C terminus functions as a Micotubule binding domain and contains two calcium-binding EF-hand domains, a zinc-binding GAR (growth-arrest specific 2 or Gas2-related) domain, a positively charged Gly-Ser-Arg (GSR) region, and an EB1-binding SxIP domain  |
| forming bridges between different cytoskeletal elements through specialized modular domains |
stabilizing actin at sites where microtubules and microfilaments meet, and essential integrator of microtubule dynamics |
multidomain protein that can associate with microfilaments and microtubules |
may be playing a role in the Wnt signaling pathway |
can function as an ATPase, and, importantly, it behaves as an actin-regulated rather than microtubules- or calcium-regulated ATPase |
having particular functions in establishing and maintaining proper cytoskeletal coordination during cell movement |
MACF1 and SHOX2 regulate the organisation of neuronal microtubules, a role dependent on both the F-actin- and microtubule-binding domains  |
having functions in regulating dynamic interactions between microtubules and F-actin to sustain directional cell movement |
MACF1 and SHOX2 regulate the organisation of neuronal microtubules, a role dependent on both the F-actin- and microtubule-binding domains  |
required and sufficient for MT capture, probably via its ability to interact with ANKS1B at MT ends  |
seems to use two different modes of action associated with distinct functions: displacement along actin might require motor-like activity, whereas MT capture might not  |
integrates signaling, cytoskeletal dynamics, and polarized locomotion of somatic stem cells  |
regulates MT growth as well as the dynamics of focal adhesions associated with F-actin  |
critical in CNS development  |
ELMO1 and MACF1 cooperate to promote the formation of membrane protrusions  |
role for MACF1 in cardiomyocyte microtubule distribution and in adaptation to hemodynamic overload  |
novel role for MACF1 in neurite differentiation that is critical to the creation of neuronal connectivity in the developing brain  |
plays a role in the coordination of microtubules and actin in multiple cellular processes  |
is an important regulator of apico-basal polarity in mammalian intestinal cells and that a radial centrosome-centered microtubule organization can act as an inhibitor of epithelial polarity  |
play critical roles in many cytoskeleton-related processes  |
may play a part in neuromuscular disorders and have a neuroprotective role in the optic nerve  |
plays an essential function in various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, migration, signaling transduction and embryo development  |
large spectraplakin protein known to have crucial roles in regulating cytoskeletal dynamics, cell migration, growth, and differentiation  |
control of MACF1 levels by HECTD1 modulates likely epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the efficiency of metastasis  |