| pyrimidine-dimer repair, global genomic nucleotide excision repair (NER) and transcription-coupled repair (TCR) of oxidative lesions |
participates in NER by regulating the cellular levels of CDKN1A  |
involved in nucleotide excision repair as well as in other biological processes in normal cells, including transcription and cell cycle regulation  |
can play a role as oncogene and may become a promising candidate as a predictive marker in breast cancer  |
having an intrinsic damaged DNA binding activity but neither DDB2 nor complexes that contain DDB2 (UV-DDB, CUL4A, and COP9) participate in nucleotide excision repair carried out by the six-factor human excision nuclease |
regulates negatively the constitutive expression of the SOD2 gene in breast cancer cells and exerts, at least in part, a control of breast cacner cell growth  |
transcriptional regulator  |
upon oxidative stress, functions in a positive feedback loop by repressing the antioxidant genes to cause persistent accumulation of ROS and induce premature senescence  |
in addition to stimulating NER, plays a significant role in terminating DNA damage checkpoint, allowing cells with extensive DNA damage to undergo apoptosis  |
likely has evolved to participate in transcriptional repression of the antioxidant genes to ensure that cells harboring DNA damage do not replicate  |
is essential for efficient recognition and subsequent removal of ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair (NER)  |
DDB2 and XPC, two early UV damage recognition factors, are required for the damage-specific ATR and ATM recruitment and phosphorylation  |
DDB2 has been implicated in promoting cell-cycle progression by regulating gene expression  |
is a protein playing an essential role in the lesion recognition step of the global genome sub-pathway of nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER) process  |
DDB2 exhibits a high affinity toward UV-damaged DNA, and it is involved in the initial steps of global genome nucleotide excision repair  |
participates in both nucleotide excision repair and mRNA transcription  |
is modified by SUMOylation upon UV irradiation, and this post-translational modification plays an important role in the initial recognition and processing of UVR (UV radiation)-induced DNA damage occurring within the context of chromatin  |
is both a partner and regulator of WNT signaling, with an important role in suppressing colon cancer development  |