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Symbol SLC2A9 contributors: mct/npt - updated : 14-12-2013
HGNC name solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 9
HGNC id 13446
Corresponding disease
RHU2 renal hypouricemia 2
Location 4p16.1      Physical location : 9.827.849 - 10.041.872
Synonym name
  • urate voltage-driven efflux transporter 1
  • human glucose transporter-like protein-9
  • Synonym symbol(s) GLUT9, GLUTX, GTR9, URATv1, UAQTL2
    TYPE functioning gene
    SPECIAL FEATURE head to head
    STRUCTURE 214.03 kb     13 Exon(s)
    10 Kb 5' upstream gene genomic sequence study
    MAPPING cloned Y linked N status provisional
    TRANSCRIPTS type messenger
    text with three transcripts
    identificationnb exonstypebpproduct
    ProteinkDaAAspecific expressionYearPubmed
    12 - 1874 - 540 . mainly localized to the membrane of proximal tubular kidney cells, the placenta, the liver, and to a lesser extent the lung, leukocytes, chrondrocytes and brain . most strongly expressed in basolateral membranes of proximal renal tubular cells, in liver and placenta . basolateral localization 2014 24409316
  • has a putative di-leucine motif at 33th and 34th leucine, deletion of the motif or replacement of leucine did not affect its subcellular localization
  • also called variant 1 or GLUT9L
  • is likely to responsible for urate reabsorption
  • 13 - 1885 - 512 . prominently expressed in the kidney, expressed in the apical side of the collecting duct . seems to be expressed only in the apical membranes of polarized renal tubular cells and in placenta 2014 24409316
  • variant 2 or GLUT9deltaN or GLUT9S
  • association between the SLC2A9 isoform 2 and urate concentrations
  • apical localization
    Type restricted
       expressed in (based on citations)
    SystemOrgan level 1Organ level 2Organ level 3Organ level 4LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
    Nervousplexus choroid     Homo sapiens
    Reproductivefemale systemovary   
    Urinarykidneytubuleconvoluted tubuleproximal tubule 
    SystemTissueTissue level 1Tissue level 2LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
    Connectivecartilage    Homo sapiens
    Muscularsmoothvessel   Homo sapiens
    SystemCellPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
    Nervousependymal cell Homo sapiens
    Nervousepithelial cell Homo sapiens
    not specificchondrocyte Homo sapiens
    cell lineage
    cell lines
    at STAGE
    physiological period pregnancy
    Text placenta
  • N-terminal domain having a unique regulatory function and the potential to interact with small negatively charged ions like iodide
  • characteristic 12 transmembrane helices
  • sugar transporter motifs and other signatures of facilitated sugar transporters
  • although it lacks the features of a high-affinity glucose transporter, suggesting alternative substrates
    interspecies homolog to murine slc2a9
    intraspecies homolog to GLUT1,GLUT5
  • major facilitator superfamily
  • sugar transporter family
  • glucose transporter subfamily
  • CATEGORY transport carrier
    SUBCELLULAR LOCALIZATION     plasma membrane
    basic FUNCTION
  • playing a role in maintaining glucose homeostasis
  • involvement of the protein in uric acid excretion in the kidney
  • a fructose and a urate transporter
  • play a key role in urate reabsorption on both urine and blood sides of the renal proximal tubules
  • directly regulates plasma uric acid (urate) levels by transporting uric acid out of the tubular cell, in a voltage-driven manne (Houlihan 2010)
  • link between cognitive ability in old age, in particular memory performance, to SLC2A9 (Houlihan 2010)
  • SLC2A9 mediated the uptake of adenine in addition to urate, but did not function as a generalized nucleobase transporter
  • play key roles in the regulation of plasma urate levels and are therefore potentially important participants in hyperuricemia and hypouricemia
  • evidence for SLC2A9 and SLC2A12 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in conjunction with the previously identified SLC2A1 and SLC2A10
  • is an essential protein that mainly regulates urate/hexose homeostasis in human kidney and liver
  • SLC2A9 transports both urate and fructose, but it interacts with them in different ways
  • is unique in that it transports hexoses as well as the organic anion, urate
  • urate transport in SLC2A9 involves several structural elements rather than just a unique substrate binding pocket
  • is a crucial player in renal handling of urate
  • high&
  • 8209;capacity glucose and urate transporter
    PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS facilitated diffusion transport
    metabolism carbohydrate
  • TP53-SLC2A9 pathway is a novel antioxidant mechanism that uses uric acid to maintain ROS homeostasis and prevent accumulation of ROS-associated damage that potentially contributes to cancer development
  • a component
    small molecule
  • functional cooperation of SLC22A12 and SLC22A9 is essential for renal reabsorption of urate, and in the established system influence of drugs on serum urate (SUA) is reflected in the alteration of urate permeability across the renal tubular epithelial cells
  • HNF4A contributes to the transcriptional regulation of SLC2A9
  • cell & other
    corresponding disease(s) RHU2
  • to gout
  • to hyperuricemia
  • Variant & Polymorphism SNP , other
  • significant association between the SLC2A9 isoform 2 and urate concentrations and gout
  • genetic variants significantly associated with uric acid levels, association strongly modified by age and sex (Brandstätter 2009)
  • some of SNP in SLC2A9 may increase the risk of hyperuricemia
  • Candidate gene
    Therapy target
    metabolismuric acid 
    can be a promising therapeutic target for hyperuricemia, gout, and related cardiovascular diseases
  • mice carrying a deletion of Glut9 in the whole body are hyperuricemic and display a severe nephropathy due to intratubular uric acid precipitation
  • Glut9-deficient mice develop impaired enterocyte uric acid transport kinetics, hyperuricaemia, hyperuricosuria, spontaneous hypertension, dyslipidaemia and elevated body fat