1 | SLC2A9
| Different Pharmacological Properties of GLUT9a and GLUT9b: Potential Implications in Preeclampsia.
| Lüscher BP, Surbek DV, Clémençon B, Huang X, Albrecht C, Marini C, Hediger MA, Baumann MU.
| Cell Physiol Biochem 53(3):508-517. doi: 10.33594/000000154.
2 | SLC22A12, SLC2A9
| Urate transport capacity of glucose transporter 9 and urate transporter 1 in cartilage chondrocytes.
| Zhang B, Duan M, Long B, Zhang B, Wang D, Zhang Y, Chen J, Huang X, Jiao Y, Zhu L, Zeng X.
| Mol Med Rep 20(2):1645-1654. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2019.10426. Epub 2019 Jun 25.
3 | SLC2A9
| Association between SLC2A9 Genetic Variants and Risk of Hyperuricemia in a Uygur Population.
| Sun YP, Xu FL, Yan DD, Mayina Kahaer, Zhang XJ, Guo YY, Hu C, Jia WP, Luo L.
| Curr Med Sci 39(2):243-249. doi: 10.1007/s11596-019-2026-2. Epub 2019 Apr 23.
4 | SLC2A9
| SLC2A9 (GLUT9) mediates urate reabsorption in the mouse kidney.
| Auberson M, Stadelmann S, Stoudmann C, Seuwen K, Koesters R, Thorens B, Bonny O.
| Pflugers Arch 470(12):1739-1751. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-2190-4. Epub 2018 Aug 13.
5 | SLC22A12, SLC2A9
| Immunoreactivity of urate transporters, GLUT9 and URAT1, is located in epithelial cells of the choroid plexus of human brains.
| Uemura N, Murakami R, Chiba Y, Yanase K, Fujihara R, Mashima M, Matsumoto K, Kawauchi M, Shirakami G, Ueno M.
| Neurosci Lett 659:99-103. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.09.001. Epub 2017 Sep 7.
6 | SLC2A9
| Identification of Key Residues for Urate Specific Transport in Human Glucose Transporter 9 (hSLC2A9).
| Long W, Panigrahi R, Panwar P, Wong K, O Neill D, Chen XZ, Lemieux MJ, Cheeseman CI.
| Sci Rep 7:41167. doi: 10.1038/srep41167.
7 | SLC2A9
| Association between SLC2A9 (GLUT9) gene polymorphisms and gout susceptibility: an updated meta-analysis.
| Zhang X, Yang X, Wang M, Li X, Xia Q, Xu S, Xu J, Cai G, Wang L, Xin L, Zou Y, Pan F.
| Rheumatol Int 36(8):1157-65. doi: 10.1007/s00296-016-3503-6. Epub 2016 Jun 2. Review.
8 | RHU1, RHU2, SLC22A12, SLC2A9
| Functional analysis of novel allelic variants in URAT1 and GLUT9 causing renal hypouricemia type 1 and 2.
| Mancikova A, Krylov V, Hurba O, Sebesta I, Nakamura M, Ichida K, Stiburkova B.
| Clin Exp Nephrol 20(4):578-584. doi: 10.1007/s10157-015-1186-z. Epub 2015 Oct 24. 2016
9 | SLC2A9
| Critical Roles of Two Hydrophobic Residues within Human Glucose Transporter 9 (hSLC2A9) in Substrate Selectivity and Urate Transport.
| Long W, Panwar P, Witkowska K, Wong K, O'Neill D, Chen XZ, Lemieux MJ, Cheeseman CI.
| J Biol Chem 290(24):15292-303. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.611178. Epub 2015 Apr 28.
10 | SLC2A9, TP53
| The uric acid transporter SLC2A9 is a direct target gene of the tumor suppressor p53 contributing to antioxidant defense.
| Itahana Y, Han R, Barbier S, Lei Z, Rozen S, Itahana K.
| Oncogene 34(14):1799-810. doi: 10.1038/onc.2014.119. Epub 2014 May 26.
11 | HNF4A, SLC2A9
| Transcriptional regulation of urate transportosome member SLC2A9 by nuclear receptor HNF4α.
| Prestin K, Wolf S, Feldtmann R, Hussner J, Geissler I, Rimmbach C, Kroemer HK, Zimmermann U, Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE.
| Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 307(9):F1041-51. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00640.2013. Epub 2014 Sep 10.
12 | SLC2A9
| Early-onset metabolic syndrome in mice lacking the intestinal uric acid transporter SLC2A9.
| DeBosch BJ, Kluth O, Fujiwara H, Schürmann A, Moley K.
| Nat Commun 5:4642. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5642.
13 | RHU2, SLC2A9
| Recurrent exercise-induced acute kidney injury by idiopathic renal hypouricemia with a novel mutation in the SLC2A9 gene and literature review.
| Shen H, Feng C, Jin X, Mao J, Fu H, Gu W, Liu A, Shu Q, Du L.
| BMC Pediatr 14:73. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-14-73. Review.
14 | SLC2A9
| Expression of SLC2A9 isoforms in the kidney and their localization in polarized epithelial cells.
| Kimura T, Takahashi M, Yan K, Sakurai H.
| PLoS One 9(1):e84996. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084996. eCollection 2014.
15 | SLC2A1, SLC2A10, SLC2A12, SLC2A9
| Expression of conventional and novel glucose transporters, GLUT1, -9, -10, and -12, in vascular smooth muscle cells.
| Pyla R, Poulose N, Jun JY, Segar L.
| Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304(6):C574-89. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00275.2012. Epub 2013 Jan 9.
16 | SLC2A9
| The apical sorting signal for human GLUT9b resides in the N-terminus.
| Bibee KP, Augustin R, Gazit V, Moley KH.
| Mol Cell Biochem 376(1-2):163-73. doi: 10.1007/s11010-013-1564-3. Epub 2013 Jan 30.
17 | SLC2A9
| Human SLC2A9a and SLC2A9b isoforms mediate electrogenic transport of urate with different characteristics in the presence of hexoses.
| Witkowska K, Smith KM, Yao SY, Ng AM, O'Neill D, Karpinski E, Young JD, Cheeseman CI.
| Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 303(4):F527-39. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00134.2012. Epub 2012 May 30.
18 | RHU2, SLC2A9
| Novel homozygous insertion in SLC2A9 gene caused renal hypouricemia.
| Stiburkova B, Ichida K, Sebesta I.
| Mol Genet Metab 102(4):430-5. Epub 2011 Jan 4.
19 | SLC2A9
| Variation in the uric acid transporter gene (SLC2A9) and memory performance.
| Houlihan LM, Wyatt ND, Harris SE, Hayward C, Gow AJ, Marioni RE, Strachan MW, Price JF, Starr JM, Wright AF, Deary IJ.
| Hum Mol Genet 19(11):2321-30. Epub 2010 Mar 2.PMID: 20197412 2010
20 | ABCG2, SLC17A3, SLC2A9
| Sex and age interaction with genetic association of atherogenic uric acid concentrations.
| Brandstätter A, Lamina C, Kiechl S, Hunt SC, Coassin S, Paulweber B, Kramer F, Summerer M, Willeit J, Kedenko L, Adams TD, Kronenberg F.
| Atherosclerosis therosclerosis. 2009 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20053405 2009
21 | SLC2A9
| SLC2A9 influences uric acid concentrations with pronounced sex-specific effects.
| Dšring A, Gieger C, Mehta D, Gohlke H, Prokisch H, Coassin S, Fischer G, Henke K, Klopp N, Kronenberg F, Paulweber B, Pfeufer A, Rosskopf D, Všlzke H, Illig T, Meitinger T, Wichmann HE, Meisinger C.
| Nat Genet 40(4):430-6. Epub 2008 Mar 9. 2008
22 | SLC2A9
| SLC2A9 is a newly identified urate transporter influencing serum urate concentration, urate excretion and gout.
| Vitart V, Rudan I, Hayward C, Gray NK, Floyd J, Palmer CN, Knott SA, Kolcic I, Polasek O, Graessler J, Wilson JF, Marinaki A, Riches PL, Shu X, Janicijevic B, Smolej-Narancic N, Gorgoni B, Morgan J, Campbell S, Biloglav Z, Barac-Lauc L, Pericic M, Klaric IM, Zgaga L, Skaric-Juric T, Wild SH, Richardson WA, Hohenstein P, Kimber CH, Tenesa A, Donnelly LA, Fairbanks LD, Aringer M, McKeigue PM, Ralston SH, Morris AD, Rudan P, Hastie ND, Campbell H, Wright AF.
| Nat Genet 40(4):437-42. Epub 2008 Mar 9. 2008
23 | RHU2, SLC2A9
| Mutations in glucose transporter 9 gene SLC2A9 cause renal hypouricemia.
| Matsuo H, Chiba T, Nagamori S, Nakayama A, Domoto H, Phetdee K, Wiriyasermkul P, Kikuchi Y, Oda T, Nishiyama J, Nakamura T, Morimoto Y, Kamakura K, Sakurai Y, Nonoyama S, Kanai Y, Shinomiya N.
| Am J Hum Genet 83(6):744-51. Epub 2008 Nov 20. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Dec;83(6):795.
24 | SLC2A9
| Cloning and expression analysis of a novel member of the facilitative glucose transporter family, SLC2A9 (GLUT9).
| Phay JE, Hussain HB, Moley JF.
| Genomics 66(2):217-20. 2000