| may be playing a role in regulating gene activity in the proliferative and/or differentiative pathways induced by NGF |
transcriptional co-repressor affecting the expression of specific genes in a HDAC activity-dependent manner during cell fate decisions, e.g. scattering |
having a general effect on the translation system |
negative regulator of transcriptional activity repressing expression of SPP1 and beta-catenin/TCF7L2 target genes, which are involved in myogenesis, muscle maintenance, and regeneration in a histone deacetylase dependent manner |
modulates the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung disease through the regulation of neutrophil effector function  |
modulates disease severity in cystic fibrosis through the regulation of neutrophil effector function  |
mediates transcriptional co-repression through interaction with histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes and has been implicated in cell differentiation and stress response pathways  |
functions as a negative regulator of NFKB1, known to inhibit MYOD1 expression post-transcriptionally  |
plays a role in muscle differentiation by controlling the MyoD pathway through multiple mechanisms, and as such, it positively regulates regenerative myogenesis  |
may play an important role in controlling inflammatory response in airway epithelium  |
strongly stimulated transcription on a linearized template, whereas it alleviated transcription on a supercoiled template  |
stimulated both basal and activated transcription  |
plays essential roles in the transition step from transcription initiation to elongation by binding to melted DNA in collaboration with GTF2E2  |