| tight junction protein 1, TJP1 (Giepmans et al, 1998) |
TJP1 and gap junction protein, gamma 1, 45kDa (GJC1) in osteoblastic cells  |
gap junction protein alpha 3 46kDa, GJA3  |
gap junction protein alpha 5 40kDa, GJA5  |
caveolin 1 caveolae protein 22kDa, CAV1  |
casein kinase 1, CK1  |
mitogen-activated protein kinase 7, MAPK7  |
nephroblastoma overexpressed gene, NOV  |
connexin 43-interacting protein, 150kD (CIP150) |
Cx43-interacting protein of 85-kDa, CIP85  |
desmosomal protein PKP2 (form a protein complex within the desmosome-like junction to regulate cell adhesion at the blood–testis barrier, partly through its effects on the occludin/ZO-1 complex, so as to facilitate the transit of primary preleptotene spermatocytes)  |
interacting with ERP29 (new role for ERP29 as a chaperone that helps stabilize monomeric GJA1 to enable oligomerization to occur in the Golgi apparatus)  |
binding of the growth regulator CCN3 (NOV) at the C-terminus of GJA1  |
TBX18 directly represses the GJA1 promoter  |
is a downstream target molecule of NONO |
can regulate GJA1 expression at the transcription level and decreases in POR reduce gap junctional intercellular communication, as well as hemichannel activity  |
TCF12 functions as a regulator of EMT by affecting the expression of CDH1 as well as that of GJA1 and GJB2  |
GJA1-mediated GJB1 and SLC1A5 interaction play important functional roles in trophoblast cell fusion  |
CASK directly interacts with GJA1  |
integrin alpha5beta1 interacts directly with GJA1 and this interaction is required for mechanical stimulation-induced opening of the GJA1 hemichannel  |
both SENP1 and -2 induce deSUMOylation of GJA1  |
regulates the passage of migrating neurons through their multipolar stage via CDKN1B signaling  |
MAPK-phosphorylated GJA1 is a novel interacting partner of cyclin E in VSMC (vascular smooth muscle cells) and this interaction is critical for VSMC proliferation  |
in the context of apoptosis, translocated to the mitochondria, where it interacted with BAX to initiate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway  |
associates with SCN5A in the cardiomyocyte perinexus  |
NR1D1 activates GJA1 transcription by forming a complex with SP1  |
CTTNBP2NL dephosphorylated GJA1  |
oocyte-derived BMP15 decreases GJA1 activity between human granulosa cells by down-regulating Cx43 expression, most likely via a Smad-dependent signaling pathway  |
PPP2R2A is required for GJA1 dephosphorlyation during epidermal barrier acquisition  |
interaction between the T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPN2) and the C-terminus of connexin43 (GJA1)  |
PRKAA1 stimulates ubiquitination of the gap junction protein GJA1, thereby contributing to gap junction remodeling following pressure overload  |
intermittent hypoxia causes reductions and remodeling of atrial GJA5, GJA1, generated in response to reactive oxygen species |
by CYBB, and likely contributing to the substrate for atrial fibrillation that develops in response to obstructive sleep apnea  |
EXOSC10 was likely required for CELF1-mediated GJA1 mRNA degradation  |
EZR-anchored PRKACA phosphorylates serine 369 and 373 on GJA1 to enhance gap junction assembly, communication, and cell fusion  |
absence of CLMP caused a severe reduction of GJA1, GJC1 in smooth muscle cells of the intestine and of GJA1 in the ureter  |
GJA1 controls neural crest cell migration by directly regulating CDH2 transcription  |
| CX43 mutant embryos died at birth as a result of a failure in pulmonary gas exchange caused by a swelling and blockage of the right ventricular outflow tract from the hear | |
mice homozygous for CX43 exhibit an abnormal cardiac morphogenetic process |
lack of expression of CX43 during embryogenesis compromising terminal stages of primary T and B cells differentiation |
Blood pressure and heart rate measurements were significantly lower in the Cx43 knockout mice |
mice lacking the C-terminal region of connexin-43 died shortly after birth. Female mice lacking the C-terminal region of connexin-43 are infertile due to impaired folliculogenesis |
mouse model of ODDD (heterozygous for the human I130T mutation) showed a reduced Cx43 expression in hearts with preferential loss of phosphorylated forms, resulting in interference with trafficking and with assembly of gap junctions in the junctional membrane |
adult Sertoli cell-specific Cx43 knockout (SC-Cx43 KO) mice displayed spermatogenic arrest at the spermatogonial level  |