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Symbol KL contributors: mct - updated : 14-09-2018
HGNC name klotho
HGNC id 6344
  • transgenic mice
  • in klotho-null mice, the activity of calpain is elevated and the activity of its endogenous inhibitor is significantly decreased
  • klotho mice have a barely detectable amount of white adipose tissue, increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
  • overexpression of klotho in mice extends life span
  • mice heterozygously deficient for klotho gene showed blood flow recovery and impaired angiogenesis after ischemic hindlimb injury
  • Klotho-hypomorphic (Klotho(hm)) mice suffer from renal salt wasting and hypovolemia despite hyperaldosteronism
  • disruption of the Klotho gene in mice results in hypervitaminosis D and a syndrome resembling accelerated aging that includes osteopenia and vascular calcifications
  • in the mdx mouse model of DMD epigenetic silencing of Klotho during muscular dystrophy contributes substantially to lost regenerative capacity and increased fibrosis of dystrophic muscle during late progressive stages of the disease