| SIX1
| contributors: mct/npt/pgu - updated : 22-01-2014
HGNC name
| SIX homeobox 1
| 10887
Other morbid association(s)
Type | Gene Modification | Chromosome rearrangement | Protein expression | Protein Function
| --over
in metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma | constitutional
| --over
can attenuate a DNA damage-induced G(2) cell cycle checkpoint  | tumoral
| --low
in 44 p100 of primary breast cancers and 90 p100 of metastatic lesions  | tumoral
| --over
in osteosarcoma cell lines compared to human osteoblastic cell line  | |
Variant & Polymorphism
| |
Candidate gene
Therapy target
System | Type | Disorder | Pubmed |
cancer | bone | |  |
inhibition of SIX1 promotes apoptosis, suppresses proliferation, and migration of osteosarcoma cells |
| | | |
| Six1-deficient mice lack kidneys, but form ureters  | |
Six1(-/-) embryos and newborn mice exhibit mesenchymal overproliferation, decreased Fgf10 expression and severe defects in the smooth muscle component of the bronchi and major pulmonary vessels  |