| serine/threonine kinase (phosphorylating beta-1 and beta-3 integrin subunit, AKT1 and GSK3B) |
regulating integrin-mediated signal transduction and cell adhesion |
mediating cell architecture |
having a critical function in the organization of centrosomal protein complexes during mitotic spindle assembly and DNA segregation |
plays key roles in a variety of cell functions, including cell proliferation, adhesion and migration  |
can be rapidly exported into the cytoplasm through a CRM1-dependent pathway, and its export is enhanced by the type 2C protein phosphatase ILKAP  |
involved in signal transduction by integrin-mediated cell adhesion that leads to dynamic actin reorganization |
plays a pivotal role in connecting transmembrane receptor integrin to the actin cytoskeleton and thereby regulating |
diverse cell-adhesion-dependent processes  |
distinct pseudokinase that mechanically couples integrin and PARVA for mediating cell adhesion  |
roles in regulating actin cytoskeletal reorganization, survival, proliferation, cell migration, invasion and epithelial to mesenchymal transition, and is therefore essential to normal cell physiology  |
also regulates the microtubule cytoskeleton and is involved in mitotic spindle organization  |
performs crucial roles in the control of intestinal cell and crypt-villus axis homeostasis-especially with regard to basement membrane fibronectin deposition-as well as cell proliferation, spreading, and migration  |
critically involved in actin and mitotic microtubule organization, is required for centrosome clustering |
important role to the integrin/ILK complex for caveolar trafficking to the cell surface  |
scaffolding protein with central roles in tissue development and homeostasis  |
might be involved in the development of bladder cancer  |
role of ILK and ELMO2 in the integration of adhesion and migration pathways  |
possible role for ILK in the progression of Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma  |
intracellular effector of cell-matrix interactions, regulating many cellular processes, including growth, proliferation, survival, differentiation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis  |
exogenous expression of ELMO2 or RHOG stabilizes microtubules, but only if ILK is also present  |
costamere genes, such as ILK, are involved in the control of muscle fiber characteristics  |