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Symbol JAG1 contributors: mct - updated : 03-07-2020
HGNC name jagged 1
HGNC id 6188
Corresponding disease
ALGS Alagille syndrome
ICHD isolated congenital heart defects
Location 20p12.2      Physical location : 10.618.331 - 10.654.694
Synonym name CD339 antigen
Synonym symbol(s) HJ1, JAGL1, AHD, AWS, JAGL1, SER1, CD339, AGS, MGC104644
TYPE functioning gene
STRUCTURE 36.36 kb     26 Exon(s)
10 Kb 5' upstream gene genomic sequence study
MAPPING cloned Y linked N status confirmed
Map see AGS
TRANSCRIPTS type messenger
identificationnb exonstypebpproduct
ProteinkDaAAspecific expressionYearPubmed
26 - 5988 - 1218 - 2010 20096396
Type ubiquitous
   expressed in (based on citations)
SystemOrgan level 1Organ level 2Organ level 3Organ level 4LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
Digestiveintestinelarge intestinecolon  
 liver   highly
 mouth   highly
 pharynx   highly
Reproductivemale systemtestis    Homo sapiens
SystemTissueTissue level 1Tissue level 2LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
SystemCellPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
ReproductiveSertoli cell Homo sapiens
cell lineage
cell lines
physiological period fetal, pregnancy
Text heart at early and late stages of cardiovascular development, liver, distal cardiac outflow tract, major arteries, portal vein, optic vesicles, otocyst, branchial arches, metanephros, pancreas, mesocardium, neural tube
  • N terminal DSL (Delta, Serrate lag2) domain
  • fifteen tandemly repeated EGF-like domain
  • a transmembrane cysteine rich region
  • transmembrane domain
  • intracellular domain, having a role in bi-directional signaling
  • VWF type C domain
    interspecies homolog to rattus Jagged 1
    homolog to Drosophila serrate
    homolog to Drosophila jagged receptor notch
  • Delta, Serrate, Lag-2 (DSL) family of single-pass transmembrane ligands that activate the Notch receptors
  • CATEGORY regulatory , signaling , receptor membrane
        plasma membrane,junction,adherens
    basic FUNCTION
  • NOTCH1 ligand playing a pivotal role in the development of the organ of Corti and specification of some vestibular sensory epithelia
  • functioning as WNT-dependent Notch signaling activator, and key molecule maintaining the homeostasis of stem and progenitor cells
  • JAG1 expression decreased hair cells, JAG1 suppression increased hair cells
  • undergoing a metalloprotease-dependent cleavage resulting in the shedding of its extracellular domain and this domain seems able to fulfill a biological function, probably by antagonizing Notch signaling
  • playing an essential role for vascular remodeling, and its primary role is to potentiate the development of neighboring vascular smooth muscle
  • involved in endothelial-pericyte interactions
  • DLL4 and Jagged1 have opposing effects on angiogenesis
  • unique role for JAG1 in preventing the induction of T-lineage differentiation in hematopoietic stem cells
  • crucial role for JAG1 in valve morphogenesis
  • in addition to its role in early heart development, JAG1 signaling is required postnatally to prevent valve calcification
  • crucial role for JAG1 in the endocardium during heart development
  • JAG1-regulated angiogenesis
  • JAG1-mediated NOTCH1 signaling regulates multiple cell fate decisions as well as differentiation in the respiratory system to coordinate lung development and to maintain a balance of airway cell types in adult life
  • is necessary for postnatal and adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus
  • JAG1 intracellular domain-mediated inhibition of NOTCH1 signalling regulates cardiac homeostasis in the postnatal heart
  • JAG1 signaling within the osteoblast lineage regulates bone metabolism in a compartment-dependent manner
  • critical role of osteolineage JAG1 in bone homeostasis, where JAG1 maintains the transition of osteoprogenitor (OP) to maturing osteoblasts
  • DLL4 and JAG1 promote tumour growth by modulating tumour angiogenesis via different mechanisms
  • JAG1/NOTCH3 signaling pathway plays a key role in angiogenesis of breast cancer
  • both NOTCH1 and its ligands DLL1 and JAG1 in B cells promote antibody production
  • membrane expression of JAG1 is necessary but not sufficient for JAG1 function
    text required for inner ear sensory development
    signaling signal transduction
  • ligand in the Notch signaling pathway
  • JAG1 signaling within the osteoblast lineage regulates bone metabolism in a compartment-dependent manner
  • a component
    small molecule
  • JAG2
  • interacting with PAX9 (acting downstream of GLI)3 in vertebrate limb development
  • binding of JAG1 intracellular region to the PDZ domain of afadin couples Notch signaling with the adhesion system and the cytoskeleton
  • shed by ADAM17 in a lipid-raft-independent manner, and that the cytosolic domain of the former protein is not a pre-requisite for either constitutive or regulated shedding
  • BACE1 can effectively shed the membrane-anchored signaling molecule JAG1 but BACE1 fails to cleave JAG2
  • repression of SOX9 by JAG1 is continuously required to suppress the default chondrogenic fate of vascular smooth muscle cells
  • DLL1 and JAG1 function redundantly and are necessary to maintain the centroacinar cells as an environmental niche in the developing pancreas
  • JAG1-mediated NOTCH1 signaling regulates differentiation of Basal cells (BC) into secretory cells
  • JAG1 Regulates GDNF Expression in Sertoli cells
  • JAG1 and NOTCH2 play a key role in kidney fibrosis development by regulating TFAM expression and metabolic reprogramming
  • DLL4 and JAG1 mediated NR4A1-induced angiogenic responses and signaling molecules, but not the expression of integrins
  • JAG1 is a transmembrane ligand that interacts with Notch receptors to influence gene expression in a variety of tissues
  • cell & other
    activated by Rel/NFKB responsive gene
    corresponding disease(s) ALGS , ICHD
    Other morbid association(s)
    TypeGene ModificationChromosome rearrangementProtein expressionProtein Function
    constitutional     --over  
    in proliferating hemangiomas
    constitutional germinal mutation     loss of function
    silencing mutations in JAG1 gene may play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of Tetralogy of Fallot
    tumoral     --over  
    significant over-expression of ligand JAG1 in the vast majority of Medulloblastoma (MB)
    Variant & Polymorphism
    Candidate gene candidate for BMD regulation in different ethnic groups, and it is a potential key factor for fracture pathogenesis
  • JAG1/NOTCH3 is expected to be an important signaling pathway for TNBC (Triple-negative breast cancer) progression
  • Therapy target
    inhibitors for Jagged1-mediated Notch activation [i.e., inhibitors of glycosil-transferases that modulate Notch/Notch-ligand interaction would be a new promising strategy for Colorectal cancer therapy
    transient NOTCH1 inhibition by soluble JAG1 could be used to enhance Placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (PMSCs) survival and chondrogenic differentiation, thereby increasing the therapeutic potential of PMSCs for cartilage regeneration
    JAG1-NOTCH1 interference provides therapeutic benefit in a subset of colorectal cancer and FAP syndrome patients
    JAG1/NOTCH3 is expected to be a potential target for TNBC neovascularization therapy
    JAG1 may represent a target for DMD therapy in a dystrophin-independent manner
    JAG1 mediates pro-proliferative signals via activation of NOTCH2 receptor and induction of HES1 expression, thus representing an attractive therapeutic targetin medulloblastomas
  • endothelial-specific deletion of Jag1 leads to cardiovascular defects in both embryonic and adult mice that are reminiscent of those in Alagille syndrome