| contributing to glioma carcinogenesis |
involved in the TP53-mediated cell death pathway as a downstream effector of TP53 in brain ischemia/hypoxia |
inhibits Wnt signaling and regulates glioma growth |
inducing apoptosis in ccoperation with SIAH1A |
acting as a mediator between TP53 and BAX in a neuronal death pathway that is activated by DNA damage |
acting synergistically with TRAF2 and inhibits TNF-induced apoptosis through activation of NF-KappaB |
possesses a tumor suppressor activity in glioma cells |
serves as an invaluable marker for competent self-renewing stem cells in a wide array of adult tissues |
PEG3/reporter activity identifies stem/progenitor cells of the adult CNS and can be used to track a self-renewing population |