| FOG1 (in both megakaryocyte and erythrocyte development |
interacting with ZNF145, coactivating thrombopoetin receptor and inducing megakaryocyte development |
binding to the beta-globin locus |
mediating with NFE2 the erythrocyte expression of alpha-spectrin |
with Sp1 or EKLF (may play a crucial role in bringing regulatory elements such as enhancers in proximity to promoters by promoting the formation of DNA loops) |
interacting with MED1(acting as a coactivator in erythroid development) |
interacting with SPI1 (Ets domain of SPI1 and the GATA1 C-terminal zinc finger (CF) form a low affinity interaction in which specific regions of each protein are implicated) |
GATA1 specifically associates with BCL11A in erythroid cells  |
combinatorial effect of Ikaros and GATA1 impairs close proximity between the locus control region and the gamma-globin genes and might represent an important mechanism of gene regulation during hematopoiesis  |
direct interaction of GATA1 with EHZF was demonstrated(EHZF modulates erythroid cell differentiation through direct binding with GATA1)  |
direct transcriptional target of TAp73alpha  |
HMG2B potentiates GATA1-dependent transcription of GFI1B by POU5F1 and thereby controls erythroid differentiation  |
interaction between GATA1 and ZFPM1 is critical for the development of both erythroid and megakaryocytic cell lineages  |
functional relationship between GATA1 and DMRT1, coexpressed in Sertoli cells  |
is a functionally important target gene of SUPT5H  |
interacting with BRD3, and this interaction is essential for the targeting of GATA1 to chromatin  |
BRD3 binds via its first bromodomain (BD1) to GATA1 in an acetylation-dependent manner  |
GATA1 and its cofactor ZFPM1 are required for the differentiation of erythrocytes and megakaryocytes  |
exogenous expression of ZFPM1 in mast cells leads to displacement of GATA1 from mast cell-specific genes and causes their downregulation  |
utilizes IKAROS and polycomb repressive complex 2 to suppress HES1 and to promote erythropoiesis  |
GATA2 and GATA1 positively and negatively control human IL1RL1 gene transcription, respectively and are involved in IL1RL1 transcription levels in primary basophils maintained in the presence of IL3  |
CDC6 expression is regulated by lineage-specific transcription factor GATA1  |
GATA1 coregulators ZFPM1 and TAL1 dissociate from mitotic chromatin, suggesting that GATA1 functions as platform for their postmitotic recruitment  |
CEBPA and/or GATA1 directly suppress the expression of DACH1 through binding to the promoter region  |
TAL1 associates with GATA1, GATA2, lim-only protein LMO2, and LDB1 in a multimeric complex to regulate erythroid transcription  |
TAL1 can recruit GATA1 and increase GATA1 binding to the EPOR promoter region to stimulate gene expression  |
MED1 is a context-dependent GATA1 coregulator, and also exerts specialized functions in erythroid cells to control GATA1-independent, cell-type-specific genes, which include candidate regulators of erythroid cell development and function  |
GATA1-dependent looping mechanisms may facilitate the conservation of TAL1 regulation despite cis-regulatory remodeling during vertebrate evolution  |
PSTPIP2 is a GATA1-repressed gene that controls megakaryopoiesis  |
GATA1 and TAL1 are bound to the regulatory regions of TFDP2 and upregulate its expression  |
SPI1 and GATA1 transactivate FCER1A  |
GATA1/FOXO3 repressed expression of EXOSC8, a pivotal component of the exosome complex, which mediates RNA surveillance and epigenetic regulation  |
HIRA is not only critical for HBB expression but is also required for activation of the erythropoietic regulators KLF1 and GATA binding protein 1 (GATA1)  |
KLF1 plays a role in facilitating and/or stabilizing GATA1 and TAL1 occupancy in the erythroid genes, contributing to the generation of active chromatin structure such as histone acetylation and chromatin looping  |
GATA2 counteracts the erythroid-specific transcription factor GATA1, to modulate the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells  |
TAL1 together with hematopoietic transcription factors RUNX1 and GATA1 binds to the promoter of the isoform 3 of PRKACB  |