| involved in intracellular pH regulation and cell volume |
playing an essential role for Na+ absorption in the ileum and is expressed in a cell-specific manner in the apical membrane of the intestinal epithelial cells |
having a role in the maintenance of acid-base balance  |
plays an important role in neutral Na(+) transport in mammalian epithelial cells  |
modulatory effect of the SLC9A3 gene on susceptibility to infections and pulmonary function in children with cystic fibrosis  |
role of SLC9A3 in the acidification of the male reproductive tract and its requirement for male fertility  |
is responsible for the bulk of salt reabsorption in the proximal tubule, and its activity may be affected the most by the increase in length of this renal segment  |
plays an important role in fluid and bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule but does not play an important role in NH4 excretion  |
partially associate with lipid rafts in the native brush border membrane (BBM), and SLC9A3 raft association had an impact on SLC9A3 transport activity and regulation  |
is located in chemosensitive areas of the medulla oblongata and plays an important role in the central control of respiration  |
can act as a direction sensor for cells and SLC9A3 phosphorylation in persistent directional cell migration does not involve PI3K/AKT1 during electrotaxis  |
located in the apical dense microvilli (brush border), and plays a major role in the reabsorption of NaCl and water in the renal proximal tubule  |
may play a role in the pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstone disease (CGD)  |
is a major route of sodium absorption in the intestine and kidney 0) |
renal SLC9A3 is required to maintain blood pressure and steady-state plasma sodium levels when dietary sodium chloride intake is modified  |
Na& |
8314;/H& |
8314; exchanger, regulating the transepithelial absorption of Na& |
8314; and water  |
has a vital role in acrosomal formation during spermiogenesis  |