Other morbid association(s)
Type | Gene Modification | Chromosome rearrangement | Protein expression | Protein Function
| --low
or loss of function in breast, ovarian carcinomas (sporadic or not) | tumoral
| germinal mutation
increased risk of Prostate carcinoma in men | constitutional
| --over
in proliferative cells | tumoral
| germinal mutation
| loss of function
in patients with primary ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancers | tumoral
| loss of function
BRCA1 loss activates CTSL1-mediated degradation of TP53BP1 | tumoral
| loss of function
loss of BRCA1 following HSP90AA1 inhibition is a key upstream event leading to defective DSB repair, failure of G2/M checkpoint activation, and potentiation to DNA damaging agents | |
| mice homozygous for the mutant BRCA1 allele died in utero between 10 and 13 days of gestation due to abnormalities in the neural tube, spina bifida and anencephaly | |
Brca1+/- mice are normal and fertile and lack tumors by age eleven months, while Brca1-/- mice die before day 7.5 of embryogenesis due to a failure of the proliferative burst |
Brca1-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells have impaired repair of chromosomal DNA double-strand breaks by homologous recombination |
impact of the Brca1 or Brca2 null mutation is less severe in a p53 null background |
mice deficient in the Brca1 exon 11 isoform (Brca1Delta11/Delta11) died late in gestation because of widespread apoptosis |
most female Brca1Delta11/Delta11 Trp53+/- mice develop mammary tumors with loss of the remaining Trp53 allele within 6-12 months |
Brca1(Delta11/Delta11)Gadd45a(-/-) embryos at embryonic days 9.5-10.5 were exencephalic and exhibited a high incidence of apoptosis accompanied by altered levels of BAX, BCL-2, and p53 |