| Bax knockout mouse display lineage-specific aberrations in cell death, hyperplasia of thymocytes and B cells and ovaries contain unusual atretic follicles with excess granulosa cells ( | |
mice deficient for Bax show only relatively mild abnormalities, including minor splenomegaly and male infertility |
neonatal sympathetic neurons and facial motor neurons from Bax-deficient mice survived nerve growth factor deprivation and disconnection display remarkable soma atrophy and reduced elaboration of neurities ( |
mice nullizygous for both Bax and Atm showed additional reduction in ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis in the central nervous system ( |
bax(-/-)bak(-/-)mice died perinatally with fewer than 10% surviving into adulthood displaying multiple developmental defects, including persistence of interdigital webs, an imperforate vaginal canal, and accumulation of excess cells within both the central nervous and hematopoietic systems ( |
mouse embryonic fibroblasts deficient for BAX and BAK have a reduced resting concentration of calcium in the endoplasmic reticulum ( |
BAX- and BAK-deficient B cells display defective cell cycle progression to B cell receptor crosslinking and lipopolysaccharide ( |
in the T cell-specific BaxBak-deficient mice, early T-cell progenitors accumulate in the thymus, with relative depletion of more mature T cells |