Citations for
HEM dysplasia and ichthyosis are likely laminopathies and not due to 3{beta}-hydroxysterol {Delta}14-reductase deficiency.
Wassif CA, Brownson KE, Sterner AL, Forlino A, Zerfas PM, Wilson WK, Starost MF, Porter FD.
Hum Mol Genet 16(10):1176-87. Epub 2007 Apr 2. 2007
Sterol dependent regulation of human TM7SF2 gene expression: role of the encoded 3beta-hydroxysterol Delta14-reductase in human cholesterol biosynthesis.
Bennati AM, Castelli M, Della Fazia MA, Beccari T, Caruso D, Servillo G, Roberti R.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1761(7):677-85. Epub 2006 May 19. 2006
Identification and molecular characterization of TM7SF2 in the FAUNA gene cluster on human chromosome 11q13.
Lemmens IH, et al.
Genomics 49 : 437-442. 1998
The human lamin B receptor/sterol reductase multigene family.
Holmer L, Pezhman A, Worman HJ.
Genomics 54 : 469-476. 1998
Identification and molecular characterization of TM7SF2 in the FAUNA gene cluster on human chromosome 11q13.
Lemmens IH, Kas K, Merregaert J, Van de Ven WJ.
Genomics 49(3):437-42. 1998
6ANG2, ANG3, ARL2, C11orf6, MEN1, MRPL49, NON, PPP1R14B, PPP2R5B, TM7SF2, VEGFA
Construction of a 1.2-Mb sequence-ready contig of chromosome 11q13 encompassing the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) gene. The European Consortium on MEN1.
Lemmens I, Merregaert J, Van de Ven WJ, Kas K, Zhang CX, Giraud S, Wautot V, Buisson N, De Witte K, Salandre J, Lenoir G, Calender A, Parente F, Quincey D, Courseaux A, Carle GF, Gaudray P, De Wit MJ, Lips CJ, Hoppener JW, Khodaei S, Grant AL, Weber G, Kytola S, Thakker RV, et al.
Genomics 44(1):94-100. 1997