Citations for
The TC10-Exo70 complex is essential for membrane expansion and axonal specification in developing neurons.
Dupraz S, Grassi D, Bernis ME, Sosa L, Bisbal M, Gastaldi L, Jausoro I, Cáceres A, Pfenninger KH, Quiroga S.
J Neurosci 29(42):13292-301. 2009
TC10 controls human myofibril organization and is activated by the sarcomeric RhoGEF obscurin.
Coisy-Quivy M, Touzet O, Bourret A, Hipskind RA, Mercier J, Fort P, Philips A.
J Cell Sci 122(Pt 7):947-56. Epub 2009 Mar 3. 2009
CDK5-dependent phosphorylation of the Rho family GTPase TC10(alpha) regulates insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation.
Okada S, Yamada E, Saito T, Ohshima K, Hashimoto K, Yamada M, Uehara Y, Tsuchiya T, Shimizu H, Tatei K, Izumi T, Yamauchi K, Hisanaga S, Pessin JE, Mori M.
J Biol Chem 283(51):35455-63. Epub 2008 Oct 23. 2008
Genetic mapping of three human homologues of murine t-complex genes localizes TCP10 to 6q27, 15 cM distal to TCP1 and PLG.
BlanchŽ H, et al.
Genomics 12 : 826-828. 1992
RFLPs detected with the human TCP10 gene, a homologue of a mouset-complex gene.
Gogolin KJ, et al.
Nucleic Acids Res 19 : 4313. 1991
Physical and genetic localization of a human t complex homologue 2 cM distal to HLA.
BlanchŽ H, et al.
(HGM11) Cytogenet Cell Genet 58 : 1907-1908. 1991
7D6S2, D6S48, D6S86, TCP10
Three probes recognise the same locus and form part of a linkage group on the long arm of chromosome six.
Markie D, et al.
(HGM11) Cytogenet Cell Genet 58 : 1914. 1991
8TCP1, TCP10
Three loci homologous with murine t complex genes are localized in a 4 point linkage group on the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q).
BlanchŽ H, et al.
(HGM10) Cytogenet Cell Genet 51 : 963. 1989