1 | HLTS, SOX18
| Hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia-renal defect associated with a truncating mutation in the SOX18 gene.
| Moalem S, Brouillard P, Kuypers D, Legius E, Harvey E, Taylor G, Francois M, Vikkula M, Chitayat D.
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2 | FIGF, SOX18
| VEGFD regulates blood vascular development by modulating SOX18 activity.
| Duong T, Koltowska K, Pichol-Thievend C, Le Guen L, Fontaine F, Smith KA, Truong V, Skoczylas R, Stacker SA, Achen MG, Koopman P, Hogan BM, Francois M.
| Blood 123(7):1102-12. doi: 10.1182/blood-2013-04-495432. Epub 2013 Nov 22.
3 | SOX18
| TNFα-induced down-regulation of Sox18 in endothelial cells is dependent on NF-κB.
| Basílio J, Hoeth M, Holper-Schichl YM, Resch U, Mayer H, Hofer-Warbinek R, de Martin R.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 442(3-4):221-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.11.030. Epub 2013 Nov 19.
4 | MMP7, SOX18
| The transcription factor SOX18 regulates the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 7 and guidance molecules in human endothelial cells.
| Hoeth M, Niederleithner H, Hofer-Warbinek R, Bilban M, Mayer H, Resch U, Lemberger C, Wagner O, Hofer E, Petzelbauer P, de Martin R.
| PLoS One 7(1):e30982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030982. Epub 2012 Jan 23.
5 | EGR1, SOX18
| Early growth response protein 1 acts as an activator of SOX18 promoter.
| Petrovic I, Kovacevic-Grujicic N, Stevanovic M.
| Exp Mol Med 42(2):132-42. doi: 10.3858/emm.2010.42.2.015.
6 | HLTS, SOX18
| Vascular defects in a mouse model of hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome indicate a role for SOX18 in blood vessel maturation.
| Downes M, François M, Ferguson C, Parton RG, Koopman P.
| Hum Mol Genet 18(15):2839-50. Epub 2009 May 9.
7 | SOX17, SOX18, SOX7
| Sox7 and Sox17 are strain-specific modifiers of the lymphangiogenic defects caused by Sox18 dysfunction in mice.
| Hosking B, François M, Wilhelm D, Orsenigo F, Caprini A, Svingen T, Tutt D, Davidson T, Browne C, Dejana E, Koopman P.
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8 | CLDN5, SOX18
| SOX-18 controls endothelial-specific claudin-5 gene expression and barrier function.
| Fontijn RD, Volger OL, Fledderus JO, Reijerkerk A, de Vries HE, Horrevoets AJ.
| Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 294(2):H891-900. Epub 2007 Dec 7.
9 | SOX18, SOX7
| Sox18 and Sox7 play redundant roles in vascular development.
| Cermenati S, Moleri S, Cimbro S, Corti P, Del Giacco L, Amodeo R, Dejana E, Koopman P, Cotelli F, Beltrame M.
| Blood 111(5):2657-66. Epub 2007 Dec 19.
10 | SOX18
| A novel 9-amino-acid transactivation domain in the C-terminal part of Sox18.
| Sandholzer J, Hoeth M, Piskacek M, Mayer H, de Martin R.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 360(2):370-4. Epub 2007 Jun 25. 2007
11 | SOX18
| Transcription factor SOX18 is expressed in human coronary atherosclerotic lesions and regulates DNA synthesis and vascular cell growth.
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12 | HLTS, SOX18
| Mutations in the transcription factor gene SOX18 underlie recessive and dominant forms of hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia.
| Irrthum A, Devriendt K, Chitayat D, Matthijs G, Glade C, Steijlen PM, Fryns JP, Van Steensel MA, Vikkula M.
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| Expression of human SOX18 in normal tissues and tumors.
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14 | SOX18
| Cloning and functional analysis of the Sry-related HMG box gene, Sox18.
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15 | SOX18
| The human SOX18 gene: cDNA cloning and high resolution mapping.
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16 | SOX18
| cDNA cloning, tissue expression, and chromosome mapping of human homolog of SOX18.
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17 | SOX18
| Structure, mapping, and expression of human SOX18.
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18 | SOX18
| Sequence and expression of Sox-18 encoding a new HMG-box transcription factor.
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