Citations for
Interaction between Hhex and SOX13 modulates Wnt/TCF activity.
Marfil V, Moya M, Pierreux CE, Castell JV, Lemaigre FP, Real FX, Bort R.
J Biol Chem 285(8):5726-37. Epub 2009 Dec 22. 2010
2SOX13, SOX5, SOX6
The SoxD transcription factors--Sox5, Sox6, and Sox13--are key cell fate modulators.
Lefebvre V.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol 42(3):429-32. Epub 2009 Jul 30. Review.PMID: 19647094 2010
Regulation of gammadelta versus alphabeta T lymphocyte differentiation by the transcription factor SOX13.
Melichar HJ, Narayan K, Der SD, Hiraoka Y, Gardiol N, Jeannet G, Held W, Chambers CA, Kang J.
Science 315(5809):230-3.PMID: 17218525 2007
SOX13 exhibits a distinct spatial and temporal expression pattern during chondrogenesis, neurogenesis, and limb development.
Wang Y, Ristevski S, Harley VR.
J Histochem Cytochem 54(12):1327-33. Epub 2006 Jul 11.PMID: 16835393 2006
Linkage studies of sox13, the ica12 autoantigen gene, in families with type 1 diabetes.
Argentaro A, Wapelhorst B, Concannon P, Harley VR.
Mol Genet Metab 72(4):356-9. 2001
6SOX1, SOX10, SOX11, SOX13, SOX14, SOX2, SOX15, SOX21, SOX12, SOX3, SOX30, SOX4, SOX5, SOX9, SRY
Members of the SRY family regulate the human LINE retrotransposons.
Tchenio T, Casella JF, Heidmann T.
Nucleic Acids Res 28(2):411-5 2000
Genomic characterisation and fine mapping of the human SOX13 gene.
Argentaro A, Olsson J, Critcher R, McDowall SG, Harley VR.
Gene 250(1-2):181-9. 2000
The Sox-13 gene: structure, promoter characterization, and chromosomal localization.
Roose J, et al.
Genomics 57(2):301-5. 1999