1 | RAN, SMOC2
| Characterization of a novel activated Ran GTPase mutant and its ability to induce cellular transformation.
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2 | OLD2, SMOC2
| Homozygosity Mapping and Candidate Prioritization Identify Mutations, Missed by Whole-Exome Sequencing, in SMOC2, Causing Major Dental Developmental Defects.
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3 | SMOC2
| The developmentally-regulated Smoc2 gene is repressed by Aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) signaling.
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4 | SMOC1, SMOC2
| Developmental expression of Smoc1 and Smoc2 suggests potential roles in fetal gonad and reproductive tract differentiation.
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5 | SMOC2
| The widely expressed extracellular matrix protein SMOC-2 promotes keratinocyte attachment and migration.
| Maier S, Paulsson M, Hartmann U.
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6 | SMOC2
| The SPARC-related factor SMOC-2 promotes growth factor-induced cyclin D1 expression and DNA synthesis via integrin-linked kinase.
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7 | SMOC1, SMOC2
| Recombinant human SMOCs produced by in vitro refolding: calcium-binding properties and interactions with serum proteins.
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8 | SMOC2
| Secreted modular calcium-binding protein 2 haplotypes are associated with pulmonary function.
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9 | SMOC2
| The novel SPARC family member SMOC-2 potentiates angiogenic growth factor activity.
| Rocnik EF, Liu P, Sato K, Walsh K, Vaziri C.
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10 | SMOC2
| Characterization of SMOC-2, a modular extracellular calcium-binding protein.
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11 | SMOC2
| Identification of a novel smooth muscle associated protein, smap2, upregulated during neointima formation in a rat carotid endarterectomy model.
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