Citations for
A new association between polymorphisms of the SLC6A7 gene in the chromosome 5q31-32 region and asthma.
Kim JH, Cheong HS, Park BL, Bae JS, Jung S, Yoon SH, Park JS, Jang AS, Park SW, Uh ST, Kim YH, Hwang HK, Park CS, Shin HD.
J Hum Genet 55(6):358-65. Epub 2010 Apr 30.PMID: 20431603 2010
Human brain-specific L-proline transporter : molecular cloning, functional expression and chromosomal localization of the gene in human and mouse genomes.
Shafqat S, et al.
Mol Pharmacol 48 : 219-229. 1995
Mammalian brain-specific L-proline transporter. Neuronal localization of mRNA and enrichment of transporter protein in synaptic plasma membranes.
Velaz-Faircloth M, Guada–o-Ferraz A, Henzi VA, Fremeau RT Jr.
J Biol Chem 270(26):15755-61. 1995