Citations for
Polymorphisms in 9q32 and TSCOT are linked to cervical cancer in affected sib-pairs with high mean age at diagnosis.
Engelmark MT, Ivansson EL, Magnusson JJ, Gustavsson IM, Wyšni PI, Ingman M, Magnusson PK, Gyllensten UB.
Hum Genet 123(5):437-43. Epub 2008 Apr 8. 2008
A putative 12-transmembrane domain cotransporter associated with apical membranes of the epididymal duct.
Obermann H, WingbermŸhle A, MŸnz S, Kirchhoff C.
J Androl 24(4):542-56. 2003
Characterization of the mouse gene, human promoter and human cDNA of TSCOT reveals strong interspecies homology.
Chen C, Kim MG, Soo Lyu M, Kozak CA, Schwartz RH, Flomerfelt FA.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1493(1-2):159-69. 2000