1 | HSPA5, MSS, SIL1
| C-terminal mutations destabilize SIL1/BAP and can cause Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.
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2 | MSS, SIL1
| Novel mutations in the SIL1 gene in a Japanese pedigree with the Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.
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3 | SIL1
| Alteration of the unfolded protein response modifies neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.
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4 | MSS, SIL1
| Novel SIL1 mutations and exclusion of functional candidate genes in Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.
| Anttonen AK, Siintola E, Tranebjaerg L, Iwata NK, Bijlsma EK, Meguro H, Ichikawa Y, Goto J, Kopra O, Lehesjoki AE.
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5 | MSS, SIL1
| Identification of a new homozygous frameshift insertion mutation in the SIL1 gene in 3 Japanese patients with Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome.
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7 | MSS, SIL1
| Loss of function mutations in SIL1 cause Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome.
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8 | SIL1, MSS
| A novel mutation in BAP/SIL1 gene causes Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome in an extended pedigree.
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9 | SIL1, MSS
| Myopathy is a prominent feature in Marinesco-Sjšgren syndrome: A muscle computed tomography study.
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10 | SIL1, HSPA5
| Protein accumulation and neurodegeneration in the woozy mutant mouse is caused by disruption of SIL1, a cochaperone of BiP.
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11 | SIL1, HSPA5, MSS
| The gene disrupted in Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome encodes SIL1, an HSPA5 cochaperone.
| Anttonen AK, Mahjneh I, Hamalainen RH, Lagier-Tourenne C, Kopra O, Waris L, Anttonen M, Joensuu T, Kalimo H, Paetau A, Tranebjaerg L, Chaigne D, Koenig M, Eeg-Olofsson O, Udd B, Somer M, Somer H, Lehesjoki AE.
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12 | SIL1, HSPA5, MSS, SAR1B
| Mutations in SIL1 cause Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome, a cerebellar ataxia with cataract and myopathy.
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13 | HSPA5, SIL1
| BAP, a mammalian BiP-associated protein, is a nucleotide exchange factor that regulates the ATPase activity of BiP.
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14 | SIL1
| LHS1 and SIL1 provide a lumenal function that is essential for protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum.
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