1 | ATP1A3, ATP1B2, RS1
| The Na/K-ATPase is obligatory for membrane anchorage of retinoschisin, the protein involved in the pathogenesis of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Friedrich U, Stöhr H, Hilfinger D, Loenhardt T, Schachner M, Langmann T, Weber BH.
| Hum Mol Genet 20(6):1132-42. Epub 2010 Dec 31.
2 | RS1
| X-linked retinoschisis: RS1 mutation severity and age affect the ERG phenotype in a cohort of 68 affected male subjects.
| Bowles K, Cukras C, Turriff A, Sergeev Y, Vitale S, Bush RA, Sieving PA.
| Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52(12):9250-6. 2011
3 | RS1
| Molecular modeling of retinoschisin with functional analysis of pathogenic mutations from human X-linked retinoschisis.
| Sergeev YV, Caruso RC, Meltzer MR, Smaoui N, MacDonald IM, Sieving PA.
| Hum Mol Genet 19(7):1302-13. Epub 2010 Jan 8.PMID: 20061330 2010
4 | RS1
| Retinoschisin (RS1) interacts with negatively charged lipid bilayers in the presence of Ca2+: an atomic force microscopy study.
| Kotova S, Vijayasarathy C, Dimitriadis EK, Ikonomou L, Jaffe H, Sieving PA.
| Biochemistry 49(33):7023-32.PMID: 20677810 2010
5 | RS1
| Shi L, Jian K, Ko ML, Trump D, Ko GY.
| Retinoschisin, a new binding partner for L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in the retina.
| J Biol Chem. 284(6):3966-75 2009
6 | RS1
| Null retinoschisin-protein expression from an RS1 c354del1-ins18 mutation causing progressive and severe XLRS in a cross-sectional family study.
| Vijayasarathy C, Ziccardi L, Zeng Y, Smaoui N, Caruso RC, Sieving PA.
| Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50(11):5375-83. 2009
7 | CRX, RS1
| CRX controls retinal expression of the X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (RS1) gene.
| Langmann T, Lai CC, Weigelt K, Tam BM, Warneke-Wittstock R, Moritz OL, Weber BH.
| Nucleic Acids Res 36(20):6523-34. Epub 2008 Oct 16.
8 | RS1
| Retinoschisin is a peripheral membrane protein with affinity for anionic phospholipids and affected by divalent cations.
| Vijayasarathy C, Takada Y, Zeng Y, Bush RA, Sieving PA.
| Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(3):991-1000. 2007
9 | RS1
| X-linked retinoschisis in a female with a heterozygous RS1 missense mutation.
| Saldana M, Thompson J, Monk E, Trump D, Long V, Sheridan E.
| Am J Med Genet A 143(6):608-9. No abstract available. 2007
10 | RS1, SARM1
| Retinoschisin (RS1), the protein encoded by the X-linked retinoschisis gene, is anchored to the surface of retinal photoreceptor and bipolar cells through its interactions with a Na/K ATPase-SARM1 complex.
| Molday LL, Wu WW, Molday RS.
| J Biol Chem 282(45):32792-801. Epub 2007 Sep 5.
11 | RS1
| Novel phenotypic and genotypic findings in X-linked retinoschisis.
| Tsang SH, Vaclavik V, Bird AC, Robson AG, Holder GE.
| Arch Ophthalmol 125(2):259-67.
12 | RS1
| Retinoschisin gene therapy and natural history in the Rs1h-KO mouse: long-term rescue from retinal degeneration.
| Kjellstrom S, Bush RA, Zeng Y, Takada Y, Sieving PA.
| Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48(8):3837-45 2007
13 | RS1
| An unusual X-linked retinoschisis phenotype and biochemical characterization of the W112C RS1 mutation.
| Iannaccone A, Mura M, Dyka FM, Ciccarelli ML, Yashar BM, Ayyagari R, Jablonski MM, Molday RS.
| Vision Res 46(22):3845-52. Epub 2006 Aug 1.
14 | RS1
| Retinoschisin expression and localization in rodent and human pineal and consequences of mouse RS1 gene knockout.
| Takada Y, Fariss RN, Muller M, Bush RA, Rushing EJ, Sieving PA.
| Mol Vis. 12:1108-16 2006
15 | RS1
| Glial transcytosis of a photoreceptor-secreted signaling protein, retinoschisin.
| Reid SN, Farber DB.
| Glia. 49(3):397-406. 2005
16 | RS1
| Retinoschisin, a photoreceptor-secreted protein, and its interaction with bipolar and muller cells.
| Reid SN, Yamashita C, Farber DB.
| J Neurosci 23(14):6030-40. 2003
17 | RS1
| Intracellular retention of mutant retinoschisin is the pathological mechanism underlying X-linked retinoschisis.
| Wang T, Waters CT, Rothman AM, Jakins TJ, Romisch K, Trump D.
| Hum Mol Genet 11(24):3097-105. 2002
18 | RS1
| Inactivation of the murine X-linked juvenile retinoschisis gene, Rs1h, suggests a role of retinoschisin in retinal cell layer organization and synaptic structure.
| Weber BH, Schrewe H, Molday LL, Gehrig A, White KL, Seeliger MW, Jaissle GB, Friedburg C, Tamm E, Molday RS.
| Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(9):6222-7 2002
19 | RS1
| X-linked retinoschisis with point mutations in the XLRS1 gene.
| Inoue Y, Yamamoto S, Okada M, Tsujikawa M, Inoue T, Okada AA, Kusaka S, Saito Y, Wakabayashi K, Miyake Y, Fujikado T, Tano Y.
| Arch Ophthalmol 118(1):93-6. 2000
20 | PPEF1, RS1, STK19
| Characterization of two unusual RS1 gene deletions segregating in danish retinoschisis families.
| Huopaniemi L, Tyynismaa H, Rantala A, Rosenberg T, Alitalo T.
| Hum Mutat 16(4):307-14. 2000
21 | RS1
| Retinoschisin, the X-linked retinoschisis protein, is a secreted photoreceptor protein, and is expressed and released by Weri-Rb1 cells.
| Grayson C, Reid SN, Ellis JA, Rutherford A, Sowden JC, Yates JR, Farber DB, Trump D.
| Hum Mol Genet 9(12):1873-9. 2000
22 | RS1
| Three widespread founder mutations contribute to high incidence of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis in Finland.
| Huopaniemi L, et al.
| Eur J Hum Genet 7(3):368-76. 1999
23 | RS1
| Recurrent missense (R197C) and nonsense (Y89X) mutations in the XLRS1 gene in families with X-linked retinoschisis.
| Shastry BS, et al.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 256(2):317-9. 1999
24 | RS1
| Intragenic polymorphic missense mutations in the XLRS1 gene in families with juvenile X-linked retinoschisis.
| Hiraoka M, et al.
| Hum Genet 104(6):526-7. No abstract available 1999
25 | RS1
| Assessment of RS1 in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis and sporadic senile retinoschisis.
| Gehrig A, et al.
| Clin Genet 55(6):461-5. 1999
26 | RS1
| Novel mutations in XLRS1 causing retinoschisis, including first evidence of putative leader sequence change.
| Hiriyanna KT, et al.
| Hum Mutat 14(5):423-427 1999
27 | RS1
| First molecular evidence for a de novo mutation in RS1 (XLRS1) associated with X linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Gehrig A, Weber BH, Lorenz B, Andrassi M.
| J Med Genet 36(12):932-4. No abstract available 1999
28 | RS1
| Functional implications of the spectrum of mutations found in 234 cases with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS).
| The Retinoschisis Consortium.
| Hum Mol Genet 7 : 1185-1192. 1998
29 | PPEF1, RS1
| Transcript map of a 900-kb genomic region in Xp22.1-p22.2 : identification of 12 novel genes.
| Warneke-Wittstock R, et al.
| Genomics 51 : 59-67. 1998
30 | RS1
| Japanese juvenile retinoschisis is caused by mutations of the XLRS1 gene.
| Hotta Y, et al.
| Hum Genet 103 : 142-144. 1998
31 | RS1
| Novel mutations in the XLRS1 gene may be caused by early Okazaki fragment sequence replacement.
| Rodriguez IR, Mazuruk K, Jaworski C, Iwata F, Moreira EF, Kaiser-Kupfer MI.
| Invest Ophthalmol 39 : 1736-1739. 1998
32 | RS1
| Linkage disequilibrium and physical mapping of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Huopaniemi L, Rantala A, Tahvanainen E, de la Chapelle A, Alitalo T.
| Am J Hum Genet 60(5):1139-49. 1997
33 | RS1
| Linkage mapping of a large Colombian family segregating for X linked retinoschisis: refinement of the chromosomal location.
| Shastry BS, Hejtmancik JF, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez F, Tamayo ML.
| J Med Genet 34(6):504-6. 1997
34 | CLS, KFSD, RS1
| High-resolution mapping by YAC fragmentation of a 2.5-Mb Xp22 region containing the human RS, KFSD and CLS disease genes.
| Van de Vosse E, Van der Bent P, Heus JJ, Van Ommen GJ, Den Dunnen JT.
| Mamm Genome 8(7):497-501. 1997
35 | RS1
| High-resolution physical map of the X-linked retinoschisis interval in Xp22.
| Walpole SM, Nicolaou A, Howell GR, Whittaker A, Bentley DR, Ross MT, Yates JR, Trump D.
| Genomics 44(3):300-8. 1997
36 | RS1
| Positional cloning of the gene associated with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Sauer CG, Gehrig A, Warneke-Wittstock R, Marquardt A, Ewing CC, Gibson A, Lorenz B, Jurklies B, Weber BH.
| Nat Genet 17(2):164-70. 1997
37 | PPEF1, RS1
| Exclusion of PPEF as the gene causing X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| van de Vosse E, Franco B, van der Bent P, Montini E, Orth U, Hanauer A, Tijmes N, van Ommen GJ, Ballabio A, den Dunnen JT, Bergen AA.
| Hum Genet 101(2):235-7. 1997
38 | RS1
| A gene from the critical region for X-linked juvenile retinoschisis on Xp22.3 is homologous to the drosophila retinal degeneration C(rdgc) gene. (abst)
| Brunella F, et al.
| Eur J Hum Genet 4(S1) : 9. 1996
39 | RS1
| Linkage mapping of new X-linked juvenile retinoschisis kindreds using microsatellite markers.
| Shastry BS, et al.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 220 : 824-827. 1996
40 | CLS, RP15, HYP1, KFSD, RS1
| An Xp22.1-p22.2 YAC contig encompassing the disease loci for RS, KFSD, CLS, HYP and RP15 : refined localization of RS.
| Van de Vosse E, et al.
| Eur J Hum Genet 4 : 101-104. 1996
41 | RS1
| X-linked juvenile retinoschisis : localization between (DXS1195, DXS418) and AFM291wf5 on a single YAC.
| Pawar H, et al.
| Hum Hered 46 : 329-335. 1996
42 | RS1
| Improved genetic mapping of X linked retinoschisis.
| George NDL, et al.
| J Med Genet 33 : 919-922. 1996
43 | RS1
| Genetic analysis of new French X-linked juvenile retinoschisis kindreds using microsatellite markers closely linked to the RS locus : further narrowing of the RS candidate region.
| Dumur V, et al.
| Hum Genet 96 : 79-82. 1995
44 | RS1
| Refined genetic mapping of juvenile X-linked retinoschisis.
| Pawar H, et al.
| Hum Hered 45 : 206-210. 1995
45 | RS1
| X-linked juvŽnile retinoschisis (RS) maps between DXS987 and DXS443.
| Weber BHF, et al.
| Cytogenet Cell Genet 69 : 35-37. 1995
46 | RS1
| Refinement of the chromosomal position of the X linked juvenile retinoschisis gene.
| Bergen AAB, et al.
| J Med Genet 31 : 972-975. 1994
47 | RS1
| Construction of a YAC contig in the Xp22 region containing the Coffin-Lowry syndrome and the retinoschisis genes. (abstr)
| Trivier E, et al.
| Cytogenet Cell Genet 67 : 339. 1994
48 | RS1
| Multipoint linkage analysis in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Bergen AAB, et al.
| Clin Genet 43 : 113-116. 1993
49 | CLS, RS1
| Construction of a YAC contig in the Xp22 region containing the Coffin-Lowry syndrome and the retinoschisis genes.
| Biancalana V, et al.
| Cytogenet Cell Genet 64 : 179. 1993
50 | RS1
| Characterization of a highly polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS207 locus : confirmation of very close linkage to the retinoschisis disease gene.
| Oudet C, et al.
| J Med Genet 30 : 300-303. 1992
51 | RS1
| Refined localization of the gene causing X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
| Alitalo T, et al.
| Genomics 9 : 505-510. 1991
52 | RS1
| Linkage relationship of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis with Xp22.1-p22.3 probes.
| Sieving PA, et al.
| Am J Hum Genet 47 : 616-621. 1990
53 | RS1, DXS274
| Additional linkage data and gene order around the locus for X-linked retinoschisis.
| Alitalo T, et al.
| (HGM10) Cytogenet Cell Genet 51 : 950. 1989
54 | RS1
| Linkage relationship between retinoschisis and four maker loci.
| Gellert G, et al.
| Hum Genet 79 : 382-384. 1988
55 | RS1
| Linkage studies in X-linked retinoschisis using eight polymorphic DNA probes from the short arm of X chromosome.
| Alitalo T, et al.
| (HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 570. 1987
56 | RS1
| Linkage of retinoschisis to distal Xp markers.
| Goudie DR, et al.
| (HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 622. 1987
57 | RS1
| DNA linkage analysis of X-chromosome linked retinoschisis.
| Dahl N, et al.
| (HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 602. 1987
58 | RS1
| Linkage relationship between the locus for retinoschisis and four marker loci.
| Gellert G, et al.
| (HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 618. 1987
59 | RS1
| X-linked retinoschisis is closely linked to DXS41 and DXS16 but not DXS85.
| Alitalo T, et al.
| Clin Genet 32 : 192-195. 1987
60 | RS1
| Further linkage studies between retinoschisis and cloned DNA sequences from the distal Xp.
| Gal A, et al.
| (HGM8) Cytogenet Cell Genet 40 : 634. 1985