Citations for
1ATP1A3, ATP1B2, RS1
The Na/K-ATPase is obligatory for membrane anchorage of retinoschisin, the protein involved in the pathogenesis of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Friedrich U, Stöhr H, Hilfinger D, Loenhardt T, Schachner M, Langmann T, Weber BH.
Hum Mol Genet 20(6):1132-42. Epub 2010 Dec 31. 2011
X-linked retinoschisis: RS1 mutation severity and age affect the ERG phenotype in a cohort of 68 affected male subjects.
Bowles K, Cukras C, Turriff A, Sergeev Y, Vitale S, Bush RA, Sieving PA.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52(12):9250-6. 2011
Molecular modeling of retinoschisin with functional analysis of pathogenic mutations from human X-linked retinoschisis.
Sergeev YV, Caruso RC, Meltzer MR, Smaoui N, MacDonald IM, Sieving PA.
Hum Mol Genet 19(7):1302-13. Epub 2010 Jan 8.PMID: 20061330 2010
Retinoschisin (RS1) interacts with negatively charged lipid bilayers in the presence of Ca2+: an atomic force microscopy study.
Kotova S, Vijayasarathy C, Dimitriadis EK, Ikonomou L, Jaffe H, Sieving PA.
Biochemistry 49(33):7023-32.PMID: 20677810 2010
Shi L, Jian K, Ko ML, Trump D, Ko GY.
Retinoschisin, a new binding partner for L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in the retina.
J Biol Chem. 284(6):3966-75 2009
Null retinoschisin-protein expression from an RS1 c354del1-ins18 mutation causing progressive and severe XLRS in a cross-sectional family study.
Vijayasarathy C, Ziccardi L, Zeng Y, Smaoui N, Caruso RC, Sieving PA.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50(11):5375-83. 2009
CRX controls retinal expression of the X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (RS1) gene.
Langmann T, Lai CC, Weigelt K, Tam BM, Warneke-Wittstock R, Moritz OL, Weber BH.
Nucleic Acids Res 36(20):6523-34. Epub 2008 Oct 16. 2008
Retinoschisin is a peripheral membrane protein with affinity for anionic phospholipids and affected by divalent cations.
Vijayasarathy C, Takada Y, Zeng Y, Bush RA, Sieving PA.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48(3):991-1000. 2007
X-linked retinoschisis in a female with a heterozygous RS1 missense mutation.
Saldana M, Thompson J, Monk E, Trump D, Long V, Sheridan E.
Am J Med Genet A 143(6):608-9. No abstract available. 2007
10RS1, SARM1
Retinoschisin (RS1), the protein encoded by the X-linked retinoschisis gene, is anchored to the surface of retinal photoreceptor and bipolar cells through its interactions with a Na/K ATPase-SARM1 complex.
Molday LL, Wu WW, Molday RS.
J Biol Chem 282(45):32792-801. Epub 2007 Sep 5. 2007
Novel phenotypic and genotypic findings in X-linked retinoschisis.
Tsang SH, Vaclavik V, Bird AC, Robson AG, Holder GE.
Arch Ophthalmol 125(2):259-67. 2007
Retinoschisin gene therapy and natural history in the Rs1h-KO mouse: long-term rescue from retinal degeneration.
Kjellstrom S, Bush RA, Zeng Y, Takada Y, Sieving PA.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48(8):3837-45 2007
An unusual X-linked retinoschisis phenotype and biochemical characterization of the W112C RS1 mutation.
Iannaccone A, Mura M, Dyka FM, Ciccarelli ML, Yashar BM, Ayyagari R, Jablonski MM, Molday RS.
Vision Res 46(22):3845-52. Epub 2006 Aug 1. 2006
Retinoschisin expression and localization in rodent and human pineal and consequences of mouse RS1 gene knockout.
Takada Y, Fariss RN, Muller M, Bush RA, Rushing EJ, Sieving PA.
Mol Vis. 12:1108-16 2006
Glial transcytosis of a photoreceptor-secreted signaling protein, retinoschisin.
Reid SN, Farber DB.
Glia. 49(3):397-406. 2005
Retinoschisin, a photoreceptor-secreted protein, and its interaction with bipolar and muller cells.
Reid SN, Yamashita C, Farber DB.
J Neurosci 23(14):6030-40. 2003
Intracellular retention of mutant retinoschisin is the pathological mechanism underlying X-linked retinoschisis.
Wang T, Waters CT, Rothman AM, Jakins TJ, Romisch K, Trump D.
Hum Mol Genet 11(24):3097-105. 2002
Inactivation of the murine X-linked juvenile retinoschisis gene, Rs1h, suggests a role of retinoschisin in retinal cell layer organization and synaptic structure.
Weber BH, Schrewe H, Molday LL, Gehrig A, White KL, Seeliger MW, Jaissle GB, Friedburg C, Tamm E, Molday RS.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(9):6222-7 2002
X-linked retinoschisis with point mutations in the XLRS1 gene.
Inoue Y, Yamamoto S, Okada M, Tsujikawa M, Inoue T, Okada AA, Kusaka S, Saito Y, Wakabayashi K, Miyake Y, Fujikado T, Tano Y.
Arch Ophthalmol 118(1):93-6. 2000
20PPEF1, RS1, STK19
Characterization of two unusual RS1 gene deletions segregating in danish retinoschisis families.
Huopaniemi L, Tyynismaa H, Rantala A, Rosenberg T, Alitalo T.
Hum Mutat 16(4):307-14. 2000
Retinoschisin, the X-linked retinoschisis protein, is a secreted photoreceptor protein, and is expressed and released by Weri-Rb1 cells.
Grayson C, Reid SN, Ellis JA, Rutherford A, Sowden JC, Yates JR, Farber DB, Trump D.
Hum Mol Genet 9(12):1873-9. 2000
Three widespread founder mutations contribute to high incidence of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis in Finland.
Huopaniemi L, et al.
Eur J Hum Genet 7(3):368-76. 1999
Recurrent missense (R197C) and nonsense (Y89X) mutations in the XLRS1 gene in families with X-linked retinoschisis.
Shastry BS, et al.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 256(2):317-9. 1999
Intragenic polymorphic missense mutations in the XLRS1 gene in families with juvenile X-linked retinoschisis.
Hiraoka M, et al.
Hum Genet 104(6):526-7. No abstract available 1999
Assessment of RS1 in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis and sporadic senile retinoschisis.
Gehrig A, et al.
Clin Genet 55(6):461-5. 1999
Novel mutations in XLRS1 causing retinoschisis, including first evidence of putative leader sequence change.
Hiriyanna KT, et al.
Hum Mutat 14(5):423-427 1999
First molecular evidence for a de novo mutation in RS1 (XLRS1) associated with X linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Gehrig A, Weber BH, Lorenz B, Andrassi M.
J Med Genet 36(12):932-4. No abstract available 1999
Functional implications of the spectrum of mutations found in 234 cases with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS).
The Retinoschisis Consortium.
Hum Mol Genet 7 : 1185-1192. 1998
29PPEF1, RS1
Transcript map of a 900-kb genomic region in Xp22.1-p22.2 : identification of 12 novel genes.
Warneke-Wittstock R, et al.
Genomics 51 : 59-67. 1998
Japanese juvenile retinoschisis is caused by mutations of the XLRS1 gene.
Hotta Y, et al.
Hum Genet 103 : 142-144. 1998
Novel mutations in the XLRS1 gene may be caused by early Okazaki fragment sequence replacement.
Rodriguez IR, Mazuruk K, Jaworski C, Iwata F, Moreira EF, Kaiser-Kupfer MI.
Invest Ophthalmol 39 : 1736-1739. 1998
Linkage disequilibrium and physical mapping of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Huopaniemi L, Rantala A, Tahvanainen E, de la Chapelle A, Alitalo T.
Am J Hum Genet 60(5):1139-49. 1997
Linkage mapping of a large Colombian family segregating for X linked retinoschisis: refinement of the chromosomal location.
Shastry BS, Hejtmancik JF, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez F, Tamayo ML.
J Med Genet 34(6):504-6. 1997
High-resolution mapping by YAC fragmentation of a 2.5-Mb Xp22 region containing the human RS, KFSD and CLS disease genes.
Van de Vosse E, Van der Bent P, Heus JJ, Van Ommen GJ, Den Dunnen JT.
Mamm Genome 8(7):497-501. 1997
High-resolution physical map of the X-linked retinoschisis interval in Xp22.
Walpole SM, Nicolaou A, Howell GR, Whittaker A, Bentley DR, Ross MT, Yates JR, Trump D.
Genomics 44(3):300-8. 1997
Positional cloning of the gene associated with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Sauer CG, Gehrig A, Warneke-Wittstock R, Marquardt A, Ewing CC, Gibson A, Lorenz B, Jurklies B, Weber BH.
Nat Genet 17(2):164-70. 1997
37PPEF1, RS1
Exclusion of PPEF as the gene causing X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
van de Vosse E, Franco B, van der Bent P, Montini E, Orth U, Hanauer A, Tijmes N, van Ommen GJ, Ballabio A, den Dunnen JT, Bergen AA.
Hum Genet 101(2):235-7. 1997
A gene from the critical region for X-linked juvenile retinoschisis on Xp22.3 is homologous to the drosophila retinal degeneration C(rdgc) gene. (abst)
Brunella F, et al.
Eur J Hum Genet 4(S1) : 9. 1996
Linkage mapping of new X-linked juvenile retinoschisis kindreds using microsatellite markers.
Shastry BS, et al.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 220 : 824-827. 1996
40CLS, RP15, HYP1, KFSD, RS1
An Xp22.1-p22.2 YAC contig encompassing the disease loci for RS, KFSD, CLS, HYP and RP15 : refined localization of RS.
Van de Vosse E, et al.
Eur J Hum Genet 4 : 101-104. 1996
X-linked juvenile retinoschisis : localization between (DXS1195, DXS418) and AFM291wf5 on a single YAC.
Pawar H, et al.
Hum Hered 46 : 329-335. 1996
Improved genetic mapping of X linked retinoschisis.
George NDL, et al.
J Med Genet 33 : 919-922. 1996
Genetic analysis of new French X-linked juvenile retinoschisis kindreds using microsatellite markers closely linked to the RS locus : further narrowing of the RS candidate region.
Dumur V, et al.
Hum Genet 96 : 79-82. 1995
Refined genetic mapping of juvenile X-linked retinoschisis.
Pawar H, et al.
Hum Hered 45 : 206-210. 1995
X-linked juvŽnile retinoschisis (RS) maps between DXS987 and DXS443.
Weber BHF, et al.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 69 : 35-37. 1995
Refinement of the chromosomal position of the X linked juvenile retinoschisis gene.
Bergen AAB, et al.
J Med Genet 31 : 972-975. 1994
Construction of a YAC contig in the Xp22 region containing the Coffin-Lowry syndrome and the retinoschisis genes. (abstr)
Trivier E, et al.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 67 : 339. 1994
Multipoint linkage analysis in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Bergen AAB, et al.
Clin Genet 43 : 113-116. 1993
49CLS, RS1
Construction of a YAC contig in the Xp22 region containing the Coffin-Lowry syndrome and the retinoschisis genes.
Biancalana V, et al.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 64 : 179. 1993
Characterization of a highly polymorphic microsatellite at the DXS207 locus : confirmation of very close linkage to the retinoschisis disease gene.
Oudet C, et al.
J Med Genet 30 : 300-303. 1992
Refined localization of the gene causing X-linked juvenile retinoschisis.
Alitalo T, et al.
Genomics 9 : 505-510. 1991
Linkage relationship of X-linked juvenile retinoschisis with Xp22.1-p22.3 probes.
Sieving PA, et al.
Am J Hum Genet 47 : 616-621. 1990
53RS1, DXS274
Additional linkage data and gene order around the locus for X-linked retinoschisis.
Alitalo T, et al.
(HGM10) Cytogenet Cell Genet 51 : 950. 1989
Linkage relationship between retinoschisis and four maker loci.
Gellert G, et al.
Hum Genet 79 : 382-384. 1988
Linkage studies in X-linked retinoschisis using eight polymorphic DNA probes from the short arm of X chromosome.
Alitalo T, et al.
(HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 570. 1987
Linkage of retinoschisis to distal Xp markers.
Goudie DR, et al.
(HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 622. 1987
DNA linkage analysis of X-chromosome linked retinoschisis.
Dahl N, et al.
(HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 602. 1987
Linkage relationship between the locus for retinoschisis and four marker loci.
Gellert G, et al.
(HGM9) Cytogenet Cell Genet 46 : 618. 1987
X-linked retinoschisis is closely linked to DXS41 and DXS16 but not DXS85.
Alitalo T, et al.
Clin Genet 32 : 192-195. 1987
Further linkage studies between retinoschisis and cloned DNA sequences from the distal Xp.
Gal A, et al.
(HGM8) Cytogenet Cell Genet 40 : 634. 1985