1 | PDA2, PRDM6
| Mutations in the Histone Modifier PRDM6 Are Associated with Isolated Nonsyndromic Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
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2 | PRDM6
| Prdm6 is essential for cardiovascular development in vivo.
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3 | PRDM6
| Intracranial aneurysm risk locus 5q23.2 is associated with elevated systolic blood pressure.
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4 | PRDM6
| Genetic variants associated with cardiac structure and function: a meta-analysis and replication of genome-wide association data.
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5 | PRDM6
| PRDM6 is enriched in vascular precursors during development and inhibits endothelial cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation.
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6 | PRDM6
| PRISM/PRDM6, a transcriptional repressor that promotes the proliferative gene program in smooth muscle cells.
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| PRISM/PRDM6, a transcriptional repressor that promotes the proliferative gene program in smooth muscle cells.
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