1 | PRDM2
| The RIZ Pro704 insertion-deletion polymorphism, bone mineral density and fracture risk: the Rotterdam study.
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| Structural studies of the SET domain from RIZ1 tumor suppressor.
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| Silencing of YY1 downregulates RIZ1 promoter in human osteosarcoma.
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| RIZ1 repression is associated with insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling activation in chronic myeloid leukemia cell lines.
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| Deletions and altered expression of the RIZ1 tumour suppressor gene in 1p36 in pheochromocytomas and abdominal paragangliomas.
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| Characterization of the PR domain of RIZ1 histone methyltransferase.
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| Biallelic inactivation of the RIZ1 gene in human gastric cancer.
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8 | PRDM2
| Frameshift mutations of RIZ, but no point mutations in RIZ1 exons in malignant melanomas with deletions in 1p36.
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9 | PRDM2
| Altered expression of retinoblastoma protein-interacting zinc finger gene, RIZ, in human leukaemia.
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| RIZ, the retinoblastoma protein interacting zinc finger gene, is mutated in genetically unstable cancers of the pancreas, stomach, and colorectum.
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| Hypermethylation in human cancers of the RIZ1 tumor suppressor gene, a member of a histone/protein methyltransferase superfamily
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| Mapping of a minimal deleted region in human hepatocellular carcinoma to 1p36.13-p36.23 and mutational analysis of the RIZ (PRDM2) gene localized to the region.
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| Candidate tumor suppressor RIZ is frequently involved in colorectal carcinogenesis.
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| RIZ1, but not the alternative RIZ2 product of the same gene, is underexpressed in breast cancer, and forced RIZ1 expression causes G2-M cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis.
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15 | PRDM2
| The retinoblastoma interacting zinc finger gene RIZ produces a PR domain-lacking product through an internal promoter.
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| Physical mapping of the retinoblastoma interacting zinc finger gene RIZ to D1S228 on chromosome 1p36.
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17 | PRDM2, RB1
| The retinoblastoma protein binds to RIZ, a zinc-finger protein that shares an epitope with the adenovirus E1A protein.
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