Citations for
1OR1A1, OR1D2, OR1D3P, OR1D4, OR1D5, OR1E1, OR1E2, OR1E3P, OR1G1, OR3A1, OR3A2, OR3A3, OR3A4
The genomic structure of human olfactory receptor genes.
Sosinsky A, Glusman G, Lancet D.
Genomics 70(1):49-61. 2000
2OR1A1, OR1E1, OR1E2, OR1E1, OR1F1, OR1F1, OR1G1, OR1J2, OR1N1, OR10B1P, OR2A4, OR2A5, OR2A9P, OR2B6, OR2F1, OR2F3, OR2T1, OR3A1, OR3A2, OR3A3, OR3A4, OR4H6P, OR4H8P, OR5B1P, OR5B10P, OR5D11P, OR5D2P, OR5D3P, OR7A15P, OR7C2, OR7D1P, OR7E16P, OR7E26P, OR7E37P, OR7E43P, OR7E53P, OR7E62P, OR7E66P
Distribution of olfactory receptor genes in the human genome.
Rouquier S, Taviaux S, Trask BJ, Brand-Arpon V, van den Engh G, Demaille J,Giorgi D.
Nat Genet 18(3):243-50. Erratum in: Nat Genet 1998 May;19(1):102. 1998
3OLFR@, OR1A1, OR1A2, OR1D2, OR1D3P, OR1D4, OR1D5, OR1E1, OR1E2, OR1G1, OR1P1P, OR3A1, OR3A2, OR3A3, OR3A4
Sequence analysis in the olfactory receptor gene cluster on human chromosome 17 : recombinatorial events affecting receptor diversity.
Glusman G, et al.
Genomics 37 : 147-160. 1996
4D17S126, OR1A1, OR1D2, OR1D3P, OR1D4, OR1D5, OR1E1, OR1E2, OR1E3P, OR1G1, OR1P1P, OR3A3, OR1R1P
Olfactory receptor gene cluster on human chromosome 17 : possible duplication of an ancestral receptor repertoire.
Ben-Arie N, et al.
Hum Mol Genet 3 : 229-235. 1994