1 | ACO2, OGG1
| Mitochondria-targeted Ogg1 and aconitase-2 prevent oxidant-induced mitochondrial DNA damage in alveolar epithelial cells.
| Kim SJ, Cheresh P, Williams D, Cheng Y, Ridge K, Schumacker PT, Weitzman S, Bohr VA, Kamp DW.
| J Biol Chem 289(9):6165-76. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.515130. Epub 2014 Jan 15.
2 | OGG1
| Mitochondrial 8-oxoguanine glycosylase decreases mitochondrial fragmentation and improves mitochondrial function in H9C2 cells under oxidative stress conditions.
| Torres-Gonzalez M, Gawlowski T, Kocalis H, Scott BT, Dillmann WH.
| Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 306(3):C221-9. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00140.2013. Epub 2013 Dec 4.
3 | OGG1, SIRT3
| Interaction of Sirt3 with OGG1 contributes to repair of mitochondrial DNA and protects from apoptotic cell death under oxidative stress.
| Cheng Y, Ren X, Gowda AS, Shan Y, Zhang L, Yuan YS, Patel R, Wu H, Huber-Keener K, Yang JW, Liu D, Spratt TE, Yang JM.
| Cell Death Dis 4:e731. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.254.
4 | OGG1
| The 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (ogg1) decreases the vulnerability of the developing brain to DNA damage.
| Gu A, Ji G, Yan L, Zhou Y.
| DNA Repair (Amst) 12(12):1094-104. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2013.08.018. Epub 2013 Sep 25.
5 | OGG1
| DNA damage processing by human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase mutants with the occluded active site.
| Lukina MV, Popov AV, Koval VV, Vorobjev YN, Fedorova OS, Zharkov DO.
| J Biol Chem 288(40):28936-47. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.487322. Epub 2013 Aug 17.
6 | OGG1
| The presence of a truncated base excision repair pathway in human spermatozoa that is mediated by OGG1.
| Smith TB, Dun MD, Smith ND, Curry BJ, Connaughton HS, Aitken RJ.
| J Cell Sci 126(Pt 6):1488-97. doi: 10.1242/jcs.121657. Epub 2013 Feb 1.
7 | NEIL3, OGG1
| The DNA glycosylases OGG1 and NEIL3 influence differentiation potential, proliferation, and senescence-associated signs in neural stem cells.
| Reis A, Hermanson O.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 423(4):621-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.04.125. Epub 2012 Apr 30.
8 | OGG1
| Nutrient deprivation regulates DNA damage repair in cardiomyocytes via loss of the base-excision repair enzyme OGG1.
| Siggens L, Figg N, Bennett M, Foo R.
| FASEB J 26(5):2117-24. doi: 10.1096/fj.11-197525. Epub 2012 Feb 1.
9 | OGG1
| Absence of the DNA repair enzyme human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase is associated with an aggressive breast cancer phenotype.
| Karihtala P, Kauppila S, Puistola U, Jukkola-Vuorinen A.
| Br J Cancer 106(2):344-7. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.518. Epub 2011 Nov 22.
10 | OGG1
| DNA sequence context effects on the glycosylase activity of human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase.
| Sassa A, Beard WA, Prasad R, Wilson SH.
| J Biol Chem 287(44):36702-10. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.397786. Epub 2012 Sep 18.
11 | OGG1
| Evidence that OGG1 glycosylase protects neurons against oxidative DNA damage and cell death under ischemic conditions.
| Liu D, Croteau DL, Souza-Pinto N, Pitta M, Tian J, Wu C, Jiang H, Mustafa K, Keijzers G, Bohr VA, Mattson MP.
| J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 31(2):680-92. Epub 2010 Aug 25.
12 | ERCC6, OGG1
| Cockayne syndrome B protein antagonizes OGG1 in modulating CAG repeat length in vivo.
| Kovtun IV, Johnson KO, McMurray CT.
| Aging (Albany NY) 3(5):509-14.
13 | NEIL1, OGG1
| The role of mammalian NEIL1 protein in the repair of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroadenine in DNA.
| Grin IR, Dianov GL, Zharkov DO.
| FEBS Lett 584(8):1553-7. Epub 2010 Mar 7.
14 | OGG1
| OGG1 is a novel prognostic indicator in acute myeloid leukaemia.
| Liddiard K, Hills R, Burnett AK, Darley RL, Tonks A.
| Oncogene 29(13):2005-12. Epub 2009 Dec 21.
15 | OGG1
| Characterization of oxidative Guanine damage and repair in mammalian telomeres.
| Wang Z, Rhee DB, Lu J, Bohr CT, Zhou F, Vallabhaneni H, de Souza-Pinto NC, Liu Y.
| PLoS Genet 6(5):e1000951.
16 | OGG1, RAD52
| The recombination protein RAD52 cooperates with the excision repair protein OGG1 for the repair of oxidative lesions in mammalian cells.
| de Souza-Pinto NC, Maynard S, Hashiguchi K, Hu J, Muftuoglu M, Bohr VA.
| Mol Cell Biol 29(16):4441-54. Epub 2009 Jun 8.PMID: 19506022 2009
17 | OGG1
| Overexpression of human OGG1 in mammalian cells decreases ultraviolet A induced mutagenesis.
| Dahle J, Brunborg G, Svendsrud DH, Stokke T, Kvam E.
| Cancer Lett 267(1):18-25. Epub 2008 Apr 11.
18 | OGG1
| Identification and characterization of OGG1 mutations in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
| Mao G, Pan X, Zhu BB, Zhang Y, Yuan F, Huang J, Lovell MA, Lee MP, Markesbery WR, Li GM, Gu L.
| Nucleic Acids Res 35(8):2759-66. Epub 2007 Apr 10. 2007
19 | OGG1,TP63
| TAp63gamma regulates hOGG1 and repair of oxidative damage in cancer cell lines.
| Upadhyay S, Chatterjee A, Trink B, Sommer M, Ratovitski E, Sidransky D.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 356(4):823-8. Epub 2007 Feb 7. 2007
20 | OGG1
| Mutational analysis of OGG1, MYH, MTH1 in FAP, HNPCC and sporadic colorectal cancer patients: R154H OGG1 polymorphism is associated with sporadic colorectal cancer patients.
| Kim IJ, Ku JL, Kang HC, Park JH, Yoon KA, Shin Y, Park HW, Jang SG, Lim SK, Han SY, Shin YK, Lee MR, Jeong SY, Shin HR, Lee JS, Kim WH, Park JG.
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21 | NEIL2, NEIL1, OGG1, NTHL1
| Repair of oxidized bases in DNA bubble structures by human DNA glycosylases NEIL1 and NEIL2.
| Dou H, Mitra S, Hazra TK.
| J Biol Chem 278(50):49679-84. Epub 2003 Sep 30. 2003
22 | OGG1
| Impairment of mitochondrial DNA repair enzymes against accumulation of 8-oxo-guanine in the spinal motor neurons of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
| Kikuchi H, Furuta A, Nishioka K, Suzuki SO, Nakabeppu Y, Iwaki T.
| Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 103(4):408-14. Epub 2002 Jan 09. 2002
23 | OGG1
| Human OGG1 undergoes serine phosphorylation and associates with the nuclear matrix and mitotic chromatin in vivo.
| Dantzer F, Luna L, Bjoras M, Seeberg E.
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24 | OGG1
| The human OGG1 DNA repair enzyme and its association with orolaryngeal cancer risk.
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| Carcinogenesis 23(7):1229-34. 2002
25 | ERCC6, OGG1
| Functional crosstalk between hOgg1 and the helicase domain of Cockayne syndrome group B protein.
| Tuo J, Chen C, Zeng X, Christiansen M, Bohr VA.
| DNA Repair (Amst) 1(11):913-27. 2002
26 | OGG1, ERCC6
| Mitochondrial repair of 8-oxoguanine is deficient in Cockayne syndrome group B.
| Stevnsner T, Nyaga S, de Souza-Pinto NC, van der Horst GT, Gorgels TG, Hogue BA, Thorslund T, Bohr VA.
| Oncogene 21(57):8675-82. 2002
27 | OGG1
| Human Ogg1, a protein involved in the repair of 8-oxoguanine, is inhibited by nitric oxide.
| Jaiswal M, LaRusso NF, Nishioka N, Nakabeppu Y, Gores GJ.
| Cancer Res 61(17):6388-93. 2001
| Localization of the Fanconi anemia complementation group D gene to a 200-kb region on chromosome 3p25.3.
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29 | OGG1
| Transcription coupled repair of 8-oxoguanine in murine cells: the ogg1 protein is required for repair in nontranscribed sequences but not in transcribed sequences.
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30 | GPX1, OGG1
| The effect of hOGG1 and glutathione peroxidase I genotypes and 3p chromosomal loss on 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels in lung cancer.
| Hardie LJ, Briggs JA, Davidson LA, Allan JM, King RF, Williams GI, Wild CP.
| Carcinogenesis 21(2):167-72. 2000
31 | OGG1
| The human OGG1 gene: structure, functions, and its implication in the process of carcinogenesis.
| Boiteux S, Radicella JP.
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32 | OGG1
| Alterations of the DNA repair gene OGG1 in human clear cell carcinomas of the kidney.
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33 | OGG1
| hOGG1 polymorphism and loss of heterozygosity (LOH): significance for lung cancer susceptibility in a caucasian population.
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34 | OGG1
| Structure and chromosome location of human OGG1.
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| Cytogenet Cell Genet 85(3-4):232-236. 1999
35 | OGG1
| Human MMH (OGG1) type 1a protein is a major enzyme for repair of 8-hydroxyguanine lesions in human cells.
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36 | OGG1
| Excision of oxidatively damaged DNA bases by the human alpha-hOgg1 protein and the polymorphic alpha-hOgg1(Ser326Cys) protein which is frequently found in human populations.
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37 | OGG1, DLEC1
| Frequent allelic loss at chromosome 3p distinct from genetic alterations of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 gene in head and neck cancer.
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38 | OGG1
| Genetic polymorphisms and alternative splicing of the hOGG1 gene, that is involved in the repair of 8-hydroxyguanine in damaged DNA.
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39 | OGG1
| Infrequent mutations of the hOGG1 gene, that is involved in the excision of 8-hydroxyguanine in damaged DNA, in human gastric cancer.
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40 | OGG1
| Molecular cloning and functional expression of a human cDNA encoding the antimutator enzyme 8-hydroxyguanine-DNA glycosylase.
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41 | OGG1
| Cloning of a human homolog of the yeast OGG1 gene that is involved in the repair of oxidative DNA damage.
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42 | OGG1
| Cloning and characterization of hOGG1, a human homolog of the OGG1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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43 | OGG1
| Cloning and characterization of mammalian 8-hydroxyguanine-specific DNA glycosynase/apurinic, apyrimidinic lyase, functional mutM homologue. (abstr)
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| Am J Hum Genet 61 : A59. 1997