1 | NPC1L1, PYY
| Modulatory role of PYY in transport and metabolism of cholesterol in intestinal epithelial cells.
| Grenier E, Garofalo C, Delvin E, Levy E.
| PLoS One 7(7):e40992. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040992. Epub 2012 Jul 23.
2 | NPC1L1
| Molecular characterization of the NPC1L1 variants identified from cholesterol low absorbers.
| Wang LJ, Wang J, Li N, Ge L, Li BL, Song BL.
| J Biol Chem 286(9):7397-408. Epub 2010 Dec 28.
3 | NPC1L1
| The N-terminal domain of NPC1L1 protein binds cholesterol and plays essential roles in cholesterol uptake.
| Zhang JH, Ge L, Qi W, Zhang L, Miao HH, Li BL, Yang M, Song BL.
| J Biol Chem 286(28):25088-97. Epub 2011 May 20.
4 | CDC42, NPC1L1
| The small GTPase Cdc42 interacts with Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) and controls its movement from endocytic recycling compartment to plasma membrane in a cholesterol-dependent manner.
| Xie C, Li N, Chen ZJ, Li BL, Song BL.
| J Biol Chem 286(41):35933-42. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.270199. Epub 2011 Aug 15.
5 | FLOT1, FLOT2, NPC1L1
| Flotillins play an essential role in Niemann-Pick C1-like 1-mediated cholesterol uptake.
| Ge L, Qi W, Wang LJ, Miao HH, Qu YX, Li BL, Song BL.
| Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(2):551-6. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1014434108. Epub 2010 Dec 27.
6 | NPC1L1
| NPC1L1 and cholesterol transport.
| Betters JL, Yu L.
| FEBS Lett 584(13):2740-7. Epub 2010 Mar 19. Review.PMID: 20307540 2010
7 | NPC1L1
| An NPC1L1 gene promoter variant is associated with autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia.
| Martín B, Solanas-Barca M, García-Otín AL, Pampín S, Cofán M, Ros E, Rodríguez-Rey JC, Pocoví M, Civeira F.
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8 | HNF1A, NPC1L1
| HNF1alpha and SREBP2 are important regulators of NPC1L1 in human liver.
| Pramfalk C, Jiang ZY, Cai Q, Hu H, Zhang SD, Han TQ, Eriksson M, Parini P.
| J Lipid Res 51(6):1354-62.
| Membrane topology of human NPC1L1, a key protein in enterohepatic cholesterol absorption.
| Wang J, Chu BB, Ge L, Li BL, Yan Y, Song BL.
| J Lipid Res 50(8):1653-62. Epub 2009 Mar 26.PMID: 19325169 2009
10 | NPC1L1
| Genetic inactivation of NPC1L1 protects against sitosterolemia in mice lacking ABCG5/ABCG8.
| Tang W, Ma Y, Jia L, Ioannou YA, Davies JP, Yu L.
| J Lipid Res 50(2):293-300. Epub 2008 Sep 15.PMID: 18796403 2009
11 | NPC1L1
| Functional characterization of genetic variants in NPC1L1 supports the sequencing extremes strategy to identify complex trait genes.
| Fahmi S, Yang C, Esmail S, Hobbs HH, Cohen JC.
| Hum Mol Genet 17(14):2101-7. Epub 2008 Apr 15.
12 | NPC1L1
| Kinetic imaging of NPC1L1 and sterol trafficking between plasma membrane and recycling endosomes in hepatoma cells.
| Petersen NH, Faergeman NJ, Yu L, Wüstner D.
| J Lipid Res 49(9):2023-37. Epub 2008 Jun 3. Erratum in: J Lipid Res. 2008 Nov;49(11):2491.. Faegeman, Nils J [corrected to Faergeman, Nils J 2008
13 | NPC1L1
| Niemann-pick C1-like 1 mediates alpha-tocopherol transport.
| Narushima K, Takada T, Yamanashi Y, Suzuki H.
| Mol Pharmacol 74(1):42-9. Epub 2008 Apr 10.PMID: 18403720 2008
14 | NPC1L1
| Effect of ezetimibe coadministered with statins in genotype-confirmed heterozygous FH patients.
| Pisciotta L, Fasano T, Bellocchio A, Bocchi L, Sallo R, Fresa R, Colangeli I, Cantafora A, Calandra S, Bertolini S.
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15 | NPC1, NPC1L1
| Human NPC1L1 and NPC1 can functionally substitute for the ncr genes to promote reproductive development in C. elegans.
| Smith MM, Levitan DJ.
| Biochim Biophys Acta 1770(9):1345-51. Epub 2007 Jun 22.PMID: 17662536 2007
16 | NPC1L1
| Multiple rare variants in NPC1L1 associated with reduced sterol absorption and plasma low-density lipoprotein levels.
| Cohen JC, Pertsemlidis A, Fahmi S, Esmail S, Vega GL, Grundy SM, Hobbs HH.
| Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(6):1810-5. Epub 2006 Jan 31. 2006
17 | NPC1L1
| Niemann-Pick C1 like 1 gene expression is down-regulated by LXR activators in the intestine.
| Duval C, Touche V, Tailleux A, Fruchart JC, Fievet C, Clavey V, Staels B, Lestavel S.
| Biochem Biophys Res Commun 340(4):1259-63. Epub 2006 Jan 5. 2006
18 | NPC1L1
| Sequence variation in NPC1L1 and association with improved LDL-cholesterol lowering in response to ezetimibe treatment.
| Simon JS, Karnoub MC, Devlin DJ, Arreaza MG, Qiu P, Monks SA, Severino ME, Deutsch P, Palmisano J, Sachs AB, Bayne ML, Plump AS, Schadt EE.
| Genomics 86(6):648-56. Epub 2005 Nov 16. 2005
19 | NPC1L1
| Niemann-Pick C1 Like 1 protein is critical for intestinal cholesterol absorption.
| Altmann SW, Davis HR Jr, Zhu LJ, Yao X, Hoos LM, Tetzloff G, Iyer SP, Maguire M, Golovko A, Zeng M, Wang L, Murgolo N, Graziano MP.
| Science 303(5661):1201-4. 2004
20 | NPC1L1
| Niemann-Pick C1 Like 1 (NPC1L1) is the intestinal phytosterol and cholesterol transporter and a key modulator of whole-body cholesterol homeostasis.
| Davis HR Jr, Zhu LJ, Hoos LM, Tetzloff G, Maguire M, Liu J, Yao X, Iyer SP, Lam MH, Lund EG, Detmers PA, Graziano MP, Altmann SW.
| J Biol Chem 279(32):33586-92. Epub 2004 Jun 1. 2004
21 | NPC1L1
| Evidence for a Niemann-pick C (NPC) gene family: identification and characterization of NPC1L1.
| Davies JP, Levy B, Ioannou YA.
| Genomics 65(2):137-45. 2000
22 | NPC1, NPC1L1
| The structure and function of the niemann-pick C1 protein.
| Ioannou YA.
| Mol Genet Metab 71(1-2):175-81. 2000