Citations for
The small molecule GMX1778 is a potent inhibitor of NAD+ biosynthesis: strategy for enhanced therapy in nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase 1-deficient tumors.
Watson M, Roulston A, Bélec L, Billot X, Marcellus R, Bédard D, Bernier C, Branchaud S, Chan H, Dairi K, Gilbert K, Goulet D, Gratton MO, Isakau H, Jang A, Khadir A, Koch E, Lavoie M, Lawless M, Nguyen M, Paquette D, Turcotte E, Berger A, Mitchell M, Shore GC, Beauparlant P.
Mol Cell Biol 29(21):5872-88. Epub 2009 Aug 24. 2009
Elevation of cellular NAD levels by nicotinic acid and involvement of nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase in human cells.
Hara N, Yamada K, Shibata T, Osago H, Hashimoto T, Tsuchiya M.
J Biol Chem 282(34):24574-82. Epub 2007 Jun 29. 2007