1 | CC2D2A, JBTS9
| Genotype-phenotype correlation in CC2D2A-related Joubert syndrome reveals an association with ventriculomegaly and seizures.
| Bachmann-Gagescu R, Ishak GE, Dempsey JC, Adkins J, O'Day D, Phelps IG, Gunay-Aygun M, Kline AD, Szczaluba K, Martorell L, Alswaid A, Alrasheed S, Pai S, Izatt L, Ronan A, Parisi MA, Mefford H, Glass I, Doherty D.
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2 | CC2D2A, JBTS9, MKS6
| CC2D2A mutations in Meckel and Joubert syndromes indicate a genotype-phenotype correlation.
| Mougou-Zerelli S, Thomas S, Szenker E, Audollent S, Elkhartoufi N, Babarit C, Romano S, Salomon R, Amiel J, Esculpavit C, Gonzales M, Escudier E, Leheup B, Loget P, Odent S, Roume J, Gérard M, Delezoide AL, Khung S, Patrier S, Cordier MP, Bouvier R, Martinovic J, Gubler MC, Boddaert N, Munnich A, Encha-Razavi F, Valente EM, Saad A, Saunier S, Vekemans M, Attié-Bitach T.
| Hum Mutat 30(11):1574-82.PMID: 19777577 2009
3 | CC2D2A, CEP290, JBTS9
| CC2D2A Is Mutated in Joubert Syndrome and Interacts with the Ciliopathy-Associated Basal Body Protein CEP290.
| Gorden NT, Arts HH, Parisi MA, Coene KL, Letteboer SJ, van Beersum SE, Mans DA, Hikida A, Eckert M, Knutzen D, Alswaid AF, Ozyurek H, Dibooglu S, Otto EA, Liu Y, Davis EE, Hutter CM, Bammler TK, Farin FM, Dorschner M, Topçu M, Zackai EH, Rosenthal P, Owens KN, Katsanis N, Vincent JB, Hildebrandt F, Rubel EW, Raible DW, Knoers NV, Chance PF, Roepman R, Moens CB, Glass IA, Doherty D.
| Am J Hum Genet m J Hum Genet. 2008 Oct 22. [Epub ahead of print] 2008