1 | IAPP
| Islet amyloid polypeptide response to maximal hyperglycemia and arginine is altered in impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
| Guardado-Mendoza R, Chávez AO, Jiménez-Ceja LM, Hansis-Diarte A, DeFronzo RA, Folli F, Tripathy D.
| Acta Diabetol cta Diabetol. 2016 Sep 13. [Epub ahead of print]
2 | IAPP
| Diabetic Risk Factors Promote Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Misfolding by a Common, Membrane-mediated Mechanism.
| Okada AK, Teranishi K, Isas JM, Bedrood S, Chow RH, Langen R.
| Sci Rep 6:31094. doi: 10.1038/srep31094.
| Inhibition of Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Does Not Increase Islet Amyloid Deposition in Vitro.
| Hogan MF, Meier DT, Zraika S, Templin AT, Mellati M, Hull RL, Leissring MA, Kahn SE.
| Endocrinology 157(9):3462-8. doi: 10.1210/en.2016-1410. Epub 2016 Jul 12.
4 | HSP1A1, IAPP
| Hsp72 (HSPA1A) Prevents Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Aggregation and Toxicity: A New Approach for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
| Rosas PC, Nagaraja GM, Kaur P, Panossian A, Wickman G, Garcia LR, Al-Khamis FA, Asea AA.
| PLoS One 11(3):e0149409. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149409. eCollection 2016.
5 | IAPP
| Protein disulfide isomerase ameliorates β-cell dysfunction in pancreatic islets overexpressing human islet amyloid polypeptide.
| Montane J, de Pablo S, Obach M, Cadavez L, Castaño C, Alcarraz-Vizán G, Visa M, Rodríguez-Comas J, Parrizas M, Servitja JM, Novials A.
| Mol Cell Endocrinol 420:57-65. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2015.11.018. Epub 2015 Dec 1.
6 | IAPP, MMP9
| Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Protects Islets from Amyloid-induced Toxicity.
| Meier DT, Tu LH, Zraika S, Hogan MF, Templin AT, Hull RL, Raleigh DP, Kahn SE.
| J Biol Chem 290(51):30475-85. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.676692. Epub 2015 Oct 19.
7 | IAPP
| Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans Are Important for Islet Amyloid Formation and Islet Amyloid Polypeptide-induced Apoptosis.
| Oskarsson ME, Singh K, Wang J, Vlodavsky I, Li JP, Westermark GT.
| J Biol Chem 290(24):15121-32. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.631697. Epub 2015 Apr 28.
8 | IAPP
| Islet amyloid polypeptide exerts a novel autocrine action in β-cell signaling and proliferation.
| Visa M, Alcarraz-Vizán G, Montane J, Cadavez L, Castaño C, Villanueva-Peñacarrillo ML, Servitja JM, Novials A.
| FASEB J 29(7):2970-9. doi: 10.1096/fj.15-270553. Epub 2015 Mar 25.
9 | IAPP
| Cholesterol modulates the interaction of the islet amyloid polypeptide with membranes.
| Caillon L, Duma L, Lequin O, Khemtemourian L.
| Mol Membr Biol 31(7-8):239-49. doi: 10.3109/09687688.2014.987182. Epub 2014 Dec 15.
10 | IAPP
| Human IAPP amyloidogenic properties and pancreatic β-cell death.
| Fernández MS.
| Cell Calcium 56(5):416-27. doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2014.08.011. Epub 2014 Aug 27. Review.
11 | IAPP
| Autophagy defends pancreatic β cells from human islet amyloid polypeptide-induced toxicity.
| Rivera JF, Costes S, Gurlo T, Glabe CG, Butler PC.
| J Clin Invest 124(8):3489-500. doi: 10.1172/JCI71981. Epub 2014 Jul 18.
12 | IAPP
| Chaperones ameliorate beta cell dysfunction associated with human islet amyloid polypeptide overexpression.
| Cadavez L, Montane J, Alcarraz-Vizán G, Visa M, Vidal-Fàbrega L, Servitja JM, Novials A.
| PLoS One 9(7):e101797. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101797. eCollection 2014.
13 | IAPP, UCHL1
| UCHL1 deficiency exacerbates human islet amyloid polypeptide toxicity in β-cells: evidence of interplay between the ubiquitin/proteasome system and autophagy.
| Costes S, Gurlo T, Rivera JF, Butler PC.
| Autophagy 10(6):1004-14. doi: 10.4161/auto.28478.
14 | IAPP
| High plasma levels of islet amyloid polypeptide in young with new-onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
| Paulsson JF, Ludvigsson J, Carlsson A, Casas R, Forsander G, Ivarsson SA, Kockum I, Lernmark Å, Marcus C, Lindblad B, Westermark GT.
| PLoS One 9(3):e93053. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093053. eCollection 2014.
15 | IAPP
| Effect of proline mutations on the monomer conformations of amylin.
| Chiu CC, Singh S, de Pablo JJ.
| Biophys J 105(5):1227-35. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.07.029.
16 | IAPP
| Mechanisms of islet amyloidosis toxicity in type 2 diabetes.
| Abedini A, Schmidt AM.
| FEBS Lett 587(8):1119-27. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2013.01.017. Epub 2013 Jan 18. Review.
17 | IAPP, MMP9
| Matrix metalloproteinase-9 reduces islet amyloid formation by degrading islet amyloid polypeptide.
| Aston-Mourney K, Zraika S, Udayasankar J, Subramanian SL, Green PS, Kahn SE, Hull RL.
| J Biol Chem 288(5):3553-9. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.438457. Epub 2012 Dec 10.
18 | IAPP, MME
| Degradation of islet amyloid polypeptide by neprilysin.
| Guan H, Chow KM, Shah R, Rhodes CJ, Hersh LB.
| Diabetologia 55(11):2989-98. doi: 10.1007/s00125-012-2678-y. Epub 2012 Aug 17.
19 | IAPP, NUCB1
| Nucleobindin 1 caps human islet amyloid polypeptide protofibrils to prevent amyloid fibril formation.
| Gupta R, Kapoor N, Raleigh DP, Sakmar TP.
| J Mol Biol 421(2-3):378-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2012.04.017. Epub 2012 Apr 24.
20 | IAPP
| Fibril structure of human islet amyloid polypeptide.
| Bedrood S, Li Y, Isas JM, Hegde BG, Baxa U, Haworth IS, Langen R.
| J Biol Chem 287(8):5235-41. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.327817. Epub 2011 Dec 20.
21 | IAPP
| Involvement of ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channels in the loss of beta-cell function induced by human islet amyloid polypeptide.
| Soty M, Visa M, Soriano S, Carmona Mdel C, Nadal Á, Novials A.
| J Biol Chem 286(47):40857-66. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.232801. Epub 2011 Oct 7.
22 | IAPP
| Islet amyloid polypeptide, islet amyloid, and diabetes mellitus.
| Westermark P, Andersson A, Westermark GT.
| Physiol Rev 91(3):795-826. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00042.2009. Review.
23 | IAPP
| A two-site mechanism for the inhibition of IAPP amyloidogenesis by zinc.
| Salamekh S, Brender JR, Hyung SJ, Nanga RP, Vivekanandan S, Ruotolo BT, Ramamoorthy A.
| J Mol Biol 410(2):294-306. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.05.015. Epub 2011 May 17.
24 | IAPP
| Role of zinc in human islet amyloid polypeptide aggregation.
| Brender JR, Hartman K, Nanga RP, Popovych N, de la Salud Bea R, Vivekanandan S, Marsh EN, Ramamoorthy A.
| J Am Chem Soc 132(26):8973-83. doi: 10.1021/ja1007867.
25 | APP, iAPP
| Abeta and human amylin share a common toxicity pathway via mitochondrial dysfunction.
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26 | IAPP
| Increased secretion of amylin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
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| Vaspin and amylin are expressed in human and rat placenta and regulated by nutritional status.
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28 | IAPP
| Residual structure in islet amyloid polypeptide mediates its interactions with soluble insulin.
| Wei L, Jiang P, Yau YH, Summer H, Shochat SG, Mu Y, Pervushin K.
| Biochemistry 48(11):2368-76. doi: 10.1021/bi802097b.
29 | IAPP
| Disturbed alpha-cell function in mice with beta-cell specific overexpression of human islet amyloid polypeptide.
| Ahrén B, Sörhede Winzell M.
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30 | IAPP
| Characterization of the heparin binding site in the N-terminus of human pro-islet amyloid polypeptide: implications for amyloid formation.
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| Estrogen can prevent or reverse obesity and diabetes in mice expressing human islet amyloid polypeptide.
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33 | IAPP, NIDDM12
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| Localization of the human islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) gene to 12p11.2-p12.3.
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| Localization of the amylin locus to chromosome 12.
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| Localization of the human islet amyloid polypeptide gene (IAP) to chromosome 12p12.3.
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| An RFLP associated with insulinoma amyloid polypeptide locus (IAPP).
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43 | IAPP
| Molecular and functional characterization of amylin, a peptide associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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44 | IAPP
| Islet amyloid polypeptide : identification and chromosomal localization of the human gene.
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45 | IAPP, NIDDM12
| Amylin found in amyloid deposits in human type 2 diabetes mellitus may be a hormone that regulates glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle.
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