Citations for
ORP150 protects against hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death.
Tamatani M, Matsuyama T, Yamaguchi A, Mitsuda N, Tsukamoto Y, Taniguchi M,Che YH, Ozawa K, Hori O, Nishimura H, Yamashita A, Okabe M, Yanagi H, Stern DM,Ogawa S, Tohyama M.
Nat Med 7(3):317-23. 2001
Expression of the oxygen-regulated protein ORP150 accelerates wound healing by modulating intracellular VEGF transport
Ozawa K, Kondo T, Hori O, Kitao Y, Stern DM, Eisenmenger W, Ogawa S, Ohshima T.
J Clin Invest 108(1):41-50. 2001
Regulation of tumor angiogenesis by oxygen-regulated protein 150, an inducible endoplasmic reticulum chaperone
Ozawa K, Tsukamoto Y, Hori O, Kitao Y, Yanagi H, Stern DM, Ogawa S.
Cancer Res 61(10):4206-13. 2001
150-kDa oxygen-regulated protein (ORP150) functions as a novel molecularchaperone in MDCK cells.
Bando Y, Ogawa S, Yamauchi A, Kuwabara K, Ozawa K, Hori O, Yanagi H,Tamatani M, Tohyama M.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 278(6):C1172-82. 2000
Production of three distinct mRNAs of 150 kDa oxygen-regulated protein (ORP150)by alternative promoters: preferential induction of one species under stressconditions.
Kaneda S, Yura T, Yanagi H.
J Biochem (Tokyo) 128(3):529-38. 2000
150-kDa oxygen-regulated protein (ORP150) suppresses hypoxia-induced apoptoticcell death.
Ozawa K, Kuwabara K, Tamatani M, Takatsuji K, Tsukamoto Y, Kaneda S,Yanagi H, Stern DM, Eguchi Y, Tsujimoto Y, Ogawa S, Tohyama M.
J Biol Chem 274(10):6397-404. 1999
Expression of the 150-kd oxygen-regulated protein in human breast cancer.
Tsukamoto Y, Kuwabara K, Hirota S, Kawano K, Yoshikawa K, Ozawa K,Kobayashi T, Yanagi H, Stern DM, Tohyama M, Kitamura Y, Ogawa S.
Lab Invest 78(6):699-706. 1998
Cloning and expression of cDNA encoding the human 150 kDa oxygen-regulatedprotein, ORP150.
Ikeda J, Kaneda S, Kuwabara K, Ogawa S, Kobayashi T, Matsumoto M, Yura T,Yanagi H.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 230(1):94-9. 1997
150-kD oxygen-regulated protein is expressed in human atherosclerotic plaquesand allows mononuclear phagocytes to withstand cellular stress on exposure tohypoxia and modified low density lipoprotein.
Tsukamoto Y, Kuwabara K, Hirota S, Ikeda J, Stern D, Yanagi H, MatsumotoM, Ogawa S, Kitamura Y.
J Clin Invest 98(8):1930-41. 1996