1 | HCG9, MICF
| A 356-Kb sequence of the subtelomeric part of the MHC Class I region.
| Hampe A, Coriton O, Andrieux N, Carn G, Lepourcelet M, Mottier S, DreanoS, Gatius MT, Hitte C, Soriano N, Galibert F.
| DNA Seq 10(4-5):263-99. 1999
2 | HFEC@, HCG8, HCG9
| Physical map of the HLA-A/HLA-F subregion and identification of two new coding sequences.
| Pichon L, Giffon T, Chauvel B, Carn G, Bouric P, El Kahloun A, Legall JY,David V.
| Immunogenetics 43(4):175-81. 1996
3 | HCG9
| A new non-HLA multigene family associated with the PERB11 family within the MHC class I region.
| Pichon L, Hampe A, Giffon T, Carn G, Legall JY, David V.
| Immunogenetics 44(4):259-67. 1996