Citations for
Refinement of causative genes in monosomy 1p36 through clinical and molecular cytogenetic characterization of small interstitial deletions.
Rosenfeld JA, Crolla JA, Tomkins S, Bader P, Morrow B, Gorski J, Troxell R, Forster-Gibson C, Cilliers D, Hislop RG, Lamb A, Torchia B, Ballif BC, Shaffer LG.
Am J Med Genet A 152A(8):1951-9.PMID: 20635359 2010
GABRD encoding a protein for extra- or peri-synaptic GABAA receptors is a susceptibility locus for generalized epilepsies.
Dibbens LM, Feng HJ, Richards MC, Harkin LA, Hodgson BL, Scott D, Jenkins M, Petrou S, Sutherland GR, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF, Macdonald RL, Mulley JC.
Hum Mol Genet 13(13):1315-9. Epub 2004 Apr 28. 2004
GABRD encoding a protein for extra- or peri-synaptic GABAA receptors is a susceptibility locus for generalized epilepsies.
Dibbens LM, Feng HJ, Richards MC, Harkin LA, Hodgson BL, Scott D, Jenkins M, Petrou S, Sutherland GR, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF, Macdonald RL, Mulley JC.
Hum Mol Genet 13(13):1315-9. Epub 2004 Apr 28. 2004
The human gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor delta (GABRD) gene: molecular characterisation and tissue-specific expression.
Windpassinger C, Kroisel PM, Wagner K, Petek E.
Gene 292(1-2):25-31. 2002
Assignment of the human GABAA receptor delta-subunit gene (GABRD) to chromosome band 1p36.3 distal to marker NIB1364 by radiation hybrid mapping.
Emberger W, Windpassinger C, Petek E, Kroisel PM, Wagner K.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 89(3-4):281-2. No abstract available. 2000
The murine GABAA receptor delta-subunit gene : structure and assignment to human chromosome 1.
Sommer B, et al.
DNA Cell Biol 9 : 561-568. 1990