Citations for
Germline Mutation in EXPH5 Implicates the Rab27B Effector Protein Slac2-b in Inherited Skin Fragility.
McGrath JA, Stone KL, Begum R, Simpson MA, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Liu L, McMillan JR, South AP, Pourreyron C, McLean WH, Martinez AE, Mellerio JE, Parsons M.
Am J Hum Genet 91(6):1115-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.10.012. Epub 2012 Nov 21. 2012
Rab27a and Rab27b control different steps of the exosome secretion pathway.
Ostrowski M, Carmo NB, Krumeich S, Fanget I, Raposo G, Savina A, Moita CF, Schauer K, Hume AN, Freitas RP, Goud B, Benaroch P, Hacohen N, Fukuda M, Desnos C, Seabra MC, Darchen F, Amigorena S, Moita LF, Thery C.
Nat Cell Biol 12(1):19-30; sup pp 1-13. doi: 10.1038/ncb2000. Epub 2009 Dec 6. 2010
The Slp homology domain of synaptotagmin-like proteins 1-4 and Slac2 functions as a novel Rab27A binding domain.
Kuroda TS, Fukuda M, Ariga H, Mikoshiba K.
J Biol Chem 277(11):9212-8. Epub 2001 Dec 31. 2002
Synaptotagmin-like protein (Slp) homology domain 1 of Slac2-a/melanophilin is a critical determinant of GTP-dependent specific binding to Rab27A.
Fukuda M.
J Biol Chem 277(42):40118-24. Epub 2002 Aug 19. 2002