1 | EPDR1
| MERP1: a mammalian ependymin-related protein gene differentially expressed in hematopoietic cells.
| Gregorio-King CC, McLeod JL, Collier FM, Collier GR, Bolton KA, Van Der Meer GJ, Apostolopoulos J, Kirkland MA.
| Gene 286(2):249-57. 2002
2 | EPDR1
| The novel ependymin related gene UCC1 is highly expressed in colorectal tumor cells.
| Nimmrich I, Erdmann S, Melchers U, Chtarbova S, Finke U, Hentsch S, Hoffmann I, Oertel M, Hoffmann W, Muller O.
| Cancer Lett 165(1):71-9. 2001
3 | EPDR1
| Identification and characterization of a novel family of mammalian ependymin-related proteins (MERPs) in hematopoietic, nonhematopoietic, and malignant tissues.
| Apostolopoulos J, Sparrow RL, McLeod JL, Collier FM, Darcy PK, Slater HR, Ngu C, Gregorio-King CC, Kirkland MA.
| DNA Cell Biol 20(10):625-35. 2001