Citations for
CRB3 and the FERM protein EPB41L4B regulate proliferation of mammary epithelial cells through the release of amphiregulin.
Walker SJ, Selfors LM, Margolis BL, Brugge JS.
PLoS One 13(11):e0207470. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207470. eCollection 2018. 2018
Lulu2 regulates the circumferential actomyosin tensile system in epithelial cells through p114RhoGEF.
Nakajima H, Tanoue T.
J Cell Biol 195(2):245-61. 2011
Clinical implications of the influence of Ehm2 on the aggressiveness of breast cancer cells through regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression.
Yu H, Ye L, Mansel RE, Zhang Y, Jiang WG.
Mol Cancer Res 8(11):1501-12. Epub 2010 Oct 5. 2010
Changes in cortical cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix gene expression in prostate cancer are related to oncogenic ERG deregulation.
Schulz WA, Ingenwerth M, Djuidje CE, Hader C, Rahnenführer J, Engers R.
BMC Cancer 10:505. 2010
5EPB41L32, EPB41L4B
Factor interaction analysis for chromosome 8 and DNA methylation alterations highlights innate immune response suppression and cytoskeletal changes in prostate cancer.
Schulz WA, Alexa A, Jung V, Hader C, Hoffmann MJ, Yamanaka M, Fritzsche S, Wlazlinski A, Müller M, Lengauer T, Engers R, Florl AR, Wullich B, Rahnenführer J.
Mol Cancer 6:14. 2007
The FERM protein Yurt is a negative regulatory component of the Crumbs complex that controls epithelial polarity and apical membrane size.
Laprise P, Beronja S, Silva-Gagliardi NF, Pellikka M, Jensen AM, McGlade CJ, Tepass U.
Dev Cell 11(3):363-74. 2006
Androgen regulation of the human FERM domain encoding gene EHM2 in a cell model of steroid-induced differentiation.
Chauhan S, Pandey R, Way JF, Sroka TC, Demetriou MC, Kunz S, Cress AE, Mount DW, Miesfeld RL.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 310(2):421-32. 2003
Molecular cloning of a novel NF2/ERM/4.1 superfamily gene, ehm2, that is expressed in high-metastatic K1735 murine melanoma cells.
Shimizu K, Nagamachi Y, Tani M, Kimura K, Shiroishi T, Wakana S, Yokota J.
Genomics 65(2):113-20. 2000