Citations for
1EMX1, KAL7, WDR11
WDR11, a WD protein that interacts with transcription factor EMX1, is mutated in idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Kallmann syndrome.
Kim HG, Ahn JW, Kurth I, Ullmann R, Kim HT, Kulharya A, Ha KS, Itokawa Y, Meliciani I, Wenzel W, Lee D, Rosenberger G, Ozata M, Bick DP, Sherins RJ, Nagase T, Tekin M, Kim SH, Kim CH, Ropers HH, Gusella JF, Kalscheuer V, Choi CY, Layman LC.
Am J Hum Genet 87(4):465-79.PMID: 20887964 2010
Lhx2 specifies regional fate in Emx1 lineage of telencephalic progenitors generating cerebral cortex.
Chou SJ, Perez-Garcia CG, Kroll TT, O'Leary DD.
Nat Neurosci 12(11):1381-9. Epub 2009 Oct 11.PMID: 19820705 2009
3ARX, DLX1, DLX2, EMX1, EMX2, GSX2, LHX1, LHX5, LHX2, LHX6, LHX8, NKX2-1, OTX1, OTX2, PAX6
Homeobox genes in vertebrate forebrain development and disease.
Wigle JT, Eisenstat DD.
Clin Genet 73(3):212-26. Epub 2008 Jan 31. Review. 2008
The transcription factors Emx1 and Emx2 suppress choroid plexus development and promote neuroepithelial cell fate.
von Frowein J, Wizenmann A, Gštz M.
Dev Biol 296(1):239-52. Epub 2006 May 5. 2006
5ACTR1B, B3GALT1, C2orf19, C2orf27A, C2orf29, C2orf39, C4orf23, C4orf28, CCDC104, CCDC74A, CCDC75, CSRNP3, CTNNA2, ELOVL6, EMX1, FASTKD2, INMT, INPP4A, KIF1A, MMADHC, OTX1, RFTN2, RNF103, TBC1D14, TSSC1, ZNF514
Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4.
Hillier LW, Graves TA, Fulton RS, Fulton LA, Pepin KH, Minx P, Wagner-McPherson C, Layman D, Wylie K, Sekhon M, Becker MC, Fewell GA, Delehaunty KD, Miner TL, Nash WE, Kremitzki C, Oddy L, Du H, Sun H, Bradshaw-Cordum H, Ali J, Carter J, Cordes M, Harris A, Isak A, van Brunt A, Nguyen C, Du F, Courtney L, Kalicki J, Ozersky P, Abbott S, Armstrong J, Belter EA, Caruso L, Cedroni M, Cotton M, Davidson T, Desai A, Elliott G, Erb T, Fronick C, Gaige T, Haakenson W, Haglund K, Holmes A, Harkins R, Kim K, Kruchowski SS, Strong CM, Grewal N, Goyea E, Hou S, Levy A, Martinka S, Mead K, McLellan MD, Meyer R, Randall-Maher J, Tomlinson C, Dauphin-Kohlberg S, Kozlowicz-Reilly A, Shah N, Swearengen-Shahid S, Snider J, Strong JT, Thompson J, Yoakum M, Leonard S, Pearman C, Trani L, Radionenko M, Waligorski JE, Wang C, Rock SM, Tin-Wollam AM, Maupin R, Latreille P, Wendl MC, Yang SP, Pohl C, Wallis JW, Spieth J, Bieri TA, Berkowicz N, Nelson JO, Osborne J, Ding L, Meyer R, Sabo A, Shotland Y, Sinha P, Wohldmann PE, Cook LL, Hickenbotham MT, Eldred J, Williams D, Jones TA, She X, Ciccarelli FD, Izaurralde E, Taylor J, Schmutz J, Myers RM, Cox DR, Huang X, McPherson JD, Mardis ER, Clifton SW, Warren WC, Chinwalla AT, Eddy SR, Marra MA, Ovcharenko I, Furey TS, Miller W, Eichler EE, Bork P, Suyama M, Torrents D, Waterston RH, Wilson RK.
Nature 434(7034):724-31. 2005
The embryonic expression pattern of 40 murine cDNAs homologous to Drosophila mutant genes (Dres) : a comparative and topographic approach to predict gene function.
Bulfone A, et al.
Hum Mol Genet 7 : 1997-2006. 1998
EMX1 homeoprotein is expressed in cell nuclei of the developing cerebral cortex and in the axons of the olfactory sensory neurons.
Briata P, Di Blas E, Gulisano M, Mallamaci A, Iannone R, Boncinelli E, Corte G.
Mech Dev 57(2):169-80. 1996
Chromosome locations of human EMX and OTX genes.
Kastury K, et al.
Genomics 22 : 41-45. 1994