Citations for
EGFL6 promotes endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis through the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase.
Chim SM, Qin A, Tickner J, Pavlos N, Davey T, Wang H, Guo Y, Zheng MH, Xu J.
J Biol Chem 286(25):22035-46. Epub 2011 Apr 29. 2011
The basement membrane of hair follicle stem cells is a muscle cell niche.
Fujiwara H, Ferreira M, Donati G, Marciano DK, Linton JM, Sato Y, Hartner A, Sekiguchi K, Reichardt LF, Watt FM.
Cell 144(4):577-89. 2011
EGFL6 is increasingly expressed in human obesity and promotes proliferation of adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular cells.
Oberauer R, Rist W, Lenter MC, Hamilton BS, Neubauer H.
Mol Cell Biochem 343(1-2):257-69. Epub 2010 Jun 25. 2010
Expression of MAEG, a novel basement membrane protein, in mouse hair follicle morphogenesis.
Osada A, Kiyozumi D, Tsutsui K, Ono Y, Weber CN, Sugimoto N, Imai T, Okada A, Sekiguchi K.
Exp Cell Res 303(1):148-59. 2005
Identification of a new EGF-repeat-containing gene from human Xp22: a candidate for developmental disorders.
Buchner G, Orfanelli U, Quaderi N, Bassi MT, Andolfi G, Ballabio A, Franco B.
Genomics 65(1):16-23. 2000
Cloning of a novel epidermal growth factor repeat containing gene EGFL6: expressed in tumor and fetal tissues.
Yeung G, Mulero JJ, Berntsen RP, Loeb DB, Drmanac R, Ford JE.
Genomics 62(2):304-7 1999