1 | DMRT1
| DMRT1 repression using a novel approach to genetic manipulation induces testicular dysgenesis in human fetal gonads.
| Macdonald J, Kilcoyne KR, Sharpe RM, Kavanagh Á, Anderson RA, Brown P, Smith LB, Jřrgensen A, Mitchell RT.
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| Regulation of mitosis-meiosis transition by the ubiquitin ligase β-TrCP in male germ cells.
| Nakagawa T, Zhang T, Kushi R, Nakano S, Endo T, Nakagawa M, Yanagihara N, Zarkower D, Nakayama K.
| Development 144(22):4137-4147. doi: 10.1242/dev.158485. Epub 2017 Oct 5.
3 | DMRT1
| DMRT1 Is Required for Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cell Maintenance and Replenishment.
| Zhang T, Oatley J, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
| PLoS Genet 12(9):e1006293. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006293. eCollection 2016 Sep.
4 | DMRT1, SOX8, SOX9
| Sox9 and Sox8 protect the adult testis from male-to-female genetic reprogramming and complete degeneration.
| Barrionuevo FJ, Hurtado A, Kim GJ, Real FM, Bakkali M, Kopp JL, Sander M, Scherer G, Burgos M, Jiménez R.
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5 | DMRT1
| Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1 (DMRT1) is a sex-specific genetic determinant of childhood-onset asthma and is expressed in testis and macrophages.
| Schieck M, Schouten JP, Michel S, Suttner K, Toncheva AA, Gaertner VD, Illig T, Lipinski S, Franke A, Klintschar M, Kalayci O, Sahiner UM, Birben E, Melén E, Pershagen G, Freidin MB, Ogorodova LM, Granell R, Henderson J, Brunekreef B, Smit HA, Vogelberg C, von Berg A, Bufe A, Heinzmann A, Laub O, Rietschel E, Simma B, Genuneit J, Jonigk D, Postma DS, Koppelman GH, Vonk JM, Timens W, Boezen HM, Kabesch M.
| J Allergy Clin Immunol 138(2):421-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.12.1305. Epub 2016 Feb 20.
6 | DMRT1
| Rare double sex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1 regulatory variants in severe spermatogenic failure.
| Lima AC, Carvalho F, Gonçalves J, Fernandes S, Marques PI, Sousa M, Barros A, Seixas S, Amorim A, Conrad DF, Lopes AM.
| Andrology 3(5):825-33. doi: 10.1111/andr.12063. Epub 2015 Jul 2.
7 | DMRT1
| DMRT1 is required for Müllerian duct formation in the chicken embryo.
| Ayers KL, Cutting AD, Roeszler KN, Sinclair AH, Smith CA.
| Dev Biol 400(2):224-36. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.02.001. Epub 2015 Feb 12.
8 | DMRT1
| DMRT1 mutations are rarely associated with male infertility.
| Tewes AC, Ledig S, Tüttelmann F, Kliesch S, Wieacker P.
| Fertil Steril 102(3):816-820.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.05.022. Epub 2014 Jun 14.
| Investigation of six testicular germ cell tumor susceptibility genes suggests a parent-of-origin effect in SPRY4.
| Karlsson R, Andreassen KE, Kristiansen W, Aschim EL, Bremnes RM, Dahl O, Fossĺ SD, Klepp O, Langberg CW, Solberg A, Tretli S, Magnusson PK, Adami HO, Haugen TB, Grotmol T, Wiklund F.
| Hum Mol Genet 22(16):3373-80. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddt188. Epub 2013 May 2.
10 | DMRT1
| Interaction between DMRT1 function and genetic background modulates signaling and pluripotency to control tumor susceptibility in the fetal germ line.
| Krentz AD, Murphy MW, Zhang T, Sarver AL, Jain S, Griswold MD, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
| Dev Biol 377(1):67-78. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2013.02.014. Epub 2013 Mar 6.
11 | DMRT1
| Analysis of meiosis regulators in human gonads: a sexually dimorphic spatio-temporal expression pattern suggests involvement of DMRT1 in meiotic entry.
| Jřrgensen A, Nielsen JE, Blomberg Jensen M, Grćm N, Rajpert-De Meyts E.
| Mol Hum Reprod 18(11):523-34. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gas030. Epub 2012 Aug 16.
12 | DMRT1, STRA8
| DMRT1 promotes oogenesis by transcriptional activation of Stra8 in the mammalian fetal ovary.
| Krentz AD, Murphy MW, Sarver AL, Griswold MD, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
| Dev Biol 356(1):63-70. Epub 2011 May 20.
13 | DMRT1, FOXL2, SOX9
| DMRT1 prevents female reprogramming in the postnatal mammalian testis.
| Matson CK, Murphy MW, Sarver AL, Griswold MD, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
| Nature 476(7358):101-4. doi: 10.1038/nature10239. Erratum in: Nature. 2011 Sep 8;477(7363):238.
14 | DMRT1
| Doublesex- and mab-3-related transcription factor-1 repression of aromatase transcription, a possible mechanism favoring the male pathway in tilapia.
| Wang DS, Zhou LY, Kobayashi T, Matsuda M, Shibata Y, Sakai F, Nagahama Y.
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| A de novo unbalanced translocation leading to partial monosomy 9p23-pter and partial trisomy 15q25.3-qter associated with 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis, tall stature and mental retardation.
| Argyriou L, Hiort O, Meinecke P, Wünsch L, Volleth M, Hinrichs F, Caliebe A, Gillessen-Kaesbach G.
| Clin Dysmorphol 19(4):190-4.PMID: 20671549 2010
16 | DMRT1, GATA1, SOX9
| Genome-wide analysis of DNA binding and transcriptional regulation by the mammalian Doublesex homolog DMRT1 in the juvenile testis.
| Murphy MW, Sarver AL, Rice D, Hatzi K, Ye K, Melnick A, Heckert LL, Zarkower D, Bardwell VJ.
| Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(30):13360-5. Epub 2010 Jul 7.PMID: 20616082 2010
17 | DMRT1
| The DM domain protein DMRT1 is a dose-sensitive regulator of fetal germ cell proliferation and pluripotency.
| Krentz AD, Murphy MW, Kim S, Cook MS, Capel B, Zhu R, Matin A, Sarver AL, Parker KL, Griswold MD, Looijenga LH, Bardwell VJ, Zarkower D.
| Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(52):22323-8. Epub 2009 Dec 10.PMID: 20007774 2009
18 | DMRT1
| Sex determination: the power of DMRT1.
| Koopman P.
| Trends Genet 25(11):479-81. Epub 2009 Oct 12.PMID: 19819582 2009
19 | DMRT1
| Transcriptional diversity of DMRT1 (dsx- and mab3-related transcription factor 1) in human testis.
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| Deletion of the ANKRD15 gene at 9p24.3 causes parent-of-origin-dependent inheritance of familial cerebral palsy.
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21 | SRA2, DMRT1, DMRT2
| Three patients with 9p deletions including DMRT1 and DMRT2: a girl with XY complement, bilateral ovotestes, and extreme growth retardation, and two XX females with normal pubertal development.
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22 | DMRT1, DMRT2, DMRT3
| Genomic organization and expression of the doublesex-related gene cluster in vertebrates and detection of putative regulatory regions for dmrt1.
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| The human doublesex-related gene, DMRT2, is homologous to a gene involved in somitogenesis and encodes a potential bicistronic transcript.
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| The region on 9p associated with 46,XY sex reversal contains several transcripts expressed in the urogenital system and a novel doublesex-related domain.
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| A new submicroscopic deletion that refines the 9p region for sex reversal.
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| Sex-determining gene(s) on distal 9p: clinical and molecular studies in six cases.
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27 | DMRT1, DMRT2, SRA2,
| A region of human chromosome 9p required for testis development contains two genes related to known sexual regulators.
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28 | DMRT1, DMRT2, DMRT@
| Evidence for evolutionary conservation of sex-determining genes.
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