Citations for
Recessive Mutations in COL25A1 Are a Cause of Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation Disorder.
Shinwari JM, Khan A, Awad S, Shinwari Z, Alaiya A, Alanazi M, Tahir A, Poizat C, Al Tassan N.
Am J Hum Genet 96(1):147-52. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.11.006. Epub 2014 Dec 11. 2015
Genetic association to the amyloid plaque associated protein gene COL25A1 in Alzheimer's disease.
Forsell C, Björk BF, Lilius L, Axelman K, Fabre SF, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B, Graff C.
Neurobiol Aging 31(3):409-15. Epub 2008 May 22. 2010
COL25A1 triggers and promotes Alzheimer's disease-like pathology in vivo.
Tong Y, Xu Y, Scearce-Levie K, Ptácek LJ, Fu YH.
Neurogenetics 11(1):41-52. Epub 2009 Jun 23.PMID: 19548013 2010
Characterization of the Alzheimer's disease-associated CLAC protein and identification of an amyloid beta-peptide-binding site.
Soderberg L, Kakuyama H, Moller A, Ito A, Winblad B, Tjernberg LO, Naslund J.
J Biol Chem 280(2):1007-15. Epub 2004 Nov 1. 2005
CLAC binds to amyloid beta peptides through the positively charged amino acid cluster within the collagenous domain 1 and inhibits formation of amyloid fibrils.
Osada Y, Hashimoto T, Nishimura A, Matsuo Y, Wakabayashi T, Iwatsubo T.
J Biol Chem 280(9):8596-605. Epub 2004 Dec 21. Erratum in: J Biol Chem. 2005 Apr 15;280(15):15484. 2005
Collagenous Alzheimer amyloid plaque component assembles amyloid fibrils into protease resistant aggregates.
Söderberg L, Dahlqvist C, Kakuyama H, Thyberg J, Ito A, Winblad B, Näslund J, Tjernberg LO.
FEBS J 272(9):2231-6. 2005
CLAC binds to aggregated Abeta and Abeta fragments, and attenuates fibril elongation.
Kakuyama H, Söderberg L, Horigome K, Winblad B, Dahlqvist C, Näslund J, Tjernberg LO.
Biochemistry 44(47):15602-9.PMID: 16300410 2005
CLAC: a novel Alzheimer amyloid plaque component derived from a transmembrane precursor, CLAC-P/collagen type XXV.
Hashimoto T, Wakabayashi T, Watanabe A, Kowa H, Hosoda R, Nakamura A,Kanazawa I, Arai T, Takio K, Mann DM, Iwatsubo T.
EMBO J 21(7):1524-34. 2002