1 | CD248
| Characterization of TEM1/endosialin in human and murine brain tumors.
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| Endosialin (Tem1) is a marker of tumor-associated myofibroblasts and tumor vessel-associated mural cells.
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3 | CD248, LGALS3BP
| Tumor stroma marker endosialin (Tem1) is a binding partner of metastasis-related protein Mac-2 BP/90K.
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| Human endothelial precursor cells express tumor endothelial marker 1/endosialin/CD248.
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| Interaction of endosialin/TEM1 with extracellular matrix proteins mediates cell adhesion and migration.
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| Tumor endothelial marker 1 (Tem1) functions in the growth and progression of abdominal tumors.
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| Endosialin (TEM1, CD248) is a marker of stromal fibroblasts and is not selectively expressed on tumour endothelium.
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| Human endosialin (tumor endothelial marker 1) is abundantly expressed in highly malignant and invasive brain tumors.
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| Molecular cloning and characterization of endosialin, a C-type lectin-like cell surface receptor of tumor endothelium.
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