Citations for
Characterization of TEM1/endosialin in human and murine brain tumors.
Carson-Walter EB, Winans BN, Whiteman MC, Liu Y, Jarvela S, Haapasalo H, Tyler BM, Huso DL, Johnson MD, Walter KA.
BMC Cancer 9:417.PMID: 19948061 2009
Endosialin (Tem1) is a marker of tumor-associated myofibroblasts and tumor vessel-associated mural cells.
Christian S, Winkler R, Helfrich I, Boos AM, Besemfelder E, Schadendorf D, Augustin HG.
Am J Pathol 172(2):486-94. Epub 2008 Jan 10.PMID: 18187565 2008
Tumor stroma marker endosialin (Tem1) is a binding partner of metastasis-related protein Mac-2 BP/90K.
Becker R, Lenter MC, Vollkommer T, Boos AM, Pfaff D, Augustin HG, Christian S.
FASEB J 22(8):3059-67. Epub 2008 May 19.PMID: 18490383 2008
Human endothelial precursor cells express tumor endothelial marker 1/endosialin/CD248.
Bagley RG, Rouleau C, St Martin T, Boutin P, Weber W, Ruzek M, Honma N, Nacht M, Shankara S, Kataoka S, Ishida I, Roberts BL, Teicher BA.
Mol Cancer Ther 7(8):2536-46.PMID: 18723498 2008
Interaction of endosialin/TEM1 with extracellular matrix proteins mediates cell adhesion and migration.
Tomkowicz B, Rybinski K, Foley B, Ebel W, Kline B, Routhier E, Sass P, Nicolaides NC, Grasso L, Zhou Y.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(46):17965-70. Epub 2007 Nov 6.PMID: 17986615 2007
Tumor endothelial marker 1 (Tem1) functions in the growth and progression of abdominal tumors.
Nanda A, Karim B, Peng Z, Liu G, Qiu W, Gan C, Vogelstein B, St Croix B, Kinzler KW, Huso DL.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(9):3351-6. Epub 2006 Feb 21. 2006
Endosialin (TEM1, CD248) is a marker of stromal fibroblasts and is not selectively expressed on tumour endothelium.
MacFadyen JR, Haworth O, Roberston D, Hardie D, Webster MT, Morris HR, Panico M, Sutton-Smith M, Dell A, van der Geer P, Wienke D, Buckley CD, Isacke CM.
FEBS Lett 579(12):2569-75. Epub 2005 Apr 7. 2005
Human endosialin (tumor endothelial marker 1) is abundantly expressed in highly malignant and invasive brain tumors.
Brady J, Neal J, Sadakar N, Gasque P.
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 63(12):1274-83. 2004
Molecular cloning and characterization of endosialin, a C-type lectin-like cell surface receptor of tumor endothelium.
Christian S, Ahorn H, Koehler A, Eisenhaber F, Rodi HP, Garin-Chesa P, Park JE, Rettig WJ, Lenter MC.
J Biol Chem 276(10):7408-14. 2001
Genes expressed in human tumor endothelium.
St Croix B, Rago C, Velculescu V, Traverso G, Romans KE, Montgomery E, Lal A, Riggins GJ, Lengauer C, Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW.
Science 289(5482):1197-202. 2000