Citations for
Distribution of the branched chain aminotransferase proteins in the human brain and their role in glutamate regulation.
Hull J, Hindy ME, Kehoe PG, Chalmers K, Love S, Conway ME.
J Neurochem 123(6):997-1009. doi: 10.1111/jnc.12044. Epub 2012 Nov 1. 2012
Differential redox potential between the human cytosolic and mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferase.
Coles SJ, Hancock JT, Conway ME.
Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 44(2):172-6. doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmr103. Epub 2011 Nov 21. 2012
S-Nitrosoglutathione inactivation of the mitochondrial and cytosolic BCAT proteins: S-nitrosation and S-thiolation.
Coles SJ, Easton P, Sharrod H, Hutson SM, Hancock J, Patel VB, Conway ME.
Biochemistry 48(3):645-56.PMID: 19119849 2009
Regulatory control of human cytosolic branched-chain aminotransferase by oxidation and S-glutathionylation and its interactions with redox sensitive neuronal proteins.
Conway ME, Coles SJ, Islam MM, Hutson SM.
Biochemistry 47(19):5465-79. Epub 2008 Apr 18.PMID: 18419134 2008
Functional evidence for a nasopharyngeal carcinoma-related gene BCAT1 located at 12p12.
Zhou W, Feng X, Li H, Wang L, Li H, Zhu B, Zhang H, Yao K, Ren C.
Oncol Res 16(9):405-13.PMID: 18074675 2007
Cytosolic branched chain aminotransferase (BCATc) mRNA is up-regulated in restricted brain areas of BDNF transgenic mice.
Castellano S, Macchi F, Scali M, Huang JZ, Bozzi Y.
Brain Res 1108(1):12-8. Epub 2006 Jul 7.PMID: 16828066 2006
Roles for cysteine residues in the regulatory CXXC motif of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase enzyme.
Conway ME, Poole LB, Hutson SM.
Biochemistry 43(23):7356-64.PMID: 15182179 2004
Involvement of branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (Bcat1/Eca39) in apoptosis.
Eden A, Benvenisty N.
FEBS Lett 457(2):255-61. 1999
Assignment of the human gene complementing the auxotrophic marker trans-(BCT1) to chromosome 12.
Jones C, et al.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 25 : 168. 1979
Branched chain aminotransferase genes (BCT1 and BCT2) assigned to human chromosomes 12 and 19 using alpha-keto acid selection media.
Naylor SL, et al.
Cytogenet Cell Genet 25 : 191-192. 1979
HyperleucinisoleucinŽmie par dŽfaut partiel de transamination associŽe ˆ une hyperprolinŽmie de type 2. observation familiale d'une double aminoacidopathie.
Jeune M, et al.
Ann Pediatr 17 : 85-99. 1970