1 | ANK2, PRX
| Ankyrin-B directs membrane tethering of periaxin and is required for maintenance of lens fiber cell hexagonal shape and mechanics.
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| Obscurin is required for ankyrinB-dependent dystrophin localization and sarcolemma integrity.
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| Defects in ankyrin-based membrane protein targeting pathways underlie atrial fibrillation.
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7 | ANK2, DCTN4, DMD
| Ankyrin-B interactions with spectrin and dynactin-4 are required for dystrophin-based protection of skeletal muscle from exercise injury.
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8 | ANK2, KCNJ11, LQT4
| Ankyrin-B regulates Kir6.2 membrane expression and function in heart.
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| Functional anatomy of the murine sinus node: high-resolution optical mapping of ankyrin-B heterozygous mice.
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| Oxidized calmodulin kinase II regulates conduction following myocardial infarction: a computational analysis.
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| Ankyrin B modulates the function of Na,K-ATPase/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor signaling microdomain.
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| An ankyrin-based mechanism for functional organization of dystrophin and dystroglycan.
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| Obscurin targets ankyrin-B and protein phosphatase 2A to the cardiac M-line.
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| Common genetic variants in ANK2 modulate QT interval: results from the KORA study.
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| Defining the cellular phenotype of "ankyrin-B syndrome" variants: human ANK2 variants associated with clinical phenotypes display a spectrum of activities in cardiomyocytes.
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| A cardiac arrhythmia syndrome caused by loss of ankyrin-B function.
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| Ankyrin-B targets beta2-spectrin to an intracellular compartment in neonatal cardiomyocytes.
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18 | ANK2, LQT4
| Ankyrin-B mutation causes type 4 long-QT cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death
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| Isolation and characterization of cDNAs encoding human brain ankyrins reveal a family of alternatively spliced genes.
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21 | ANK2
| Isolation and sequence of a human brain ankyrin cDNA : evidence for a multigene family.
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