1 | MT-ND5, MTENC2
| Leigh Syndrome Caused by the MT-ND5 m.13513G>A Mutation: A Case Presenting with WPW-Like Conduction Defect, Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension and Hyponatraemia.
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2 | MT-ND3, MTENC2
| Leigh disease presenting in utero due to a novel missense mutation in the mitochondrial DNA-ND3.
| Leshinsky-Silver E, Lev D, Malinger G, Shapira D, Cohen S, Lerman-Sagie T, Saada A.
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3 | MT-ND3, MTENC2
| A novel recurrent mitochondrial DNA mutation in ND3 gene is associated with isolated complex I deficiency causing Leigh syndrome and dystonia.
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4 | MTENC2, MT-ND5
| The mitochondrial 13513G > A mutation is most frequent in Leigh syndrome combined with reduced complex I activity, optic atrophy and/or Wolff-Parkinson-White.
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5 | MTENC2, MT-ND3
| Fulminant neurological deterioration in a neonate with Leigh syndrome due to a maternally transmitted missense mutation in the mitochondrial ND3 gene.
| Leshinsky-Silver E, Lev D, Tzofi-Berman Z, Cohen S, Saada A, Yanoov-Sharav M, Gilad E, Lerman-Sagie T.
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6 | MTENC2, MT-ND3
| De novo mutations in the mitochondrial ND3 gene as a cause of infantile mitochondrial encephalopathy and complex I deficiency.
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7 | MTENC2, MT-ND5
| The mitochondrial DNA G13513A MELAS mutation in the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene is a frequent cause of Leigh-like syndrome with isolated complex I deficiency.
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8 | MT-ND6, MTENC2
| Impaired complex I assembly in a Leigh syndrome patient with a novel missense mutation in the ND6 gene.
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| Maternally inherited encephalopathy associated with a single-base insertion in the mitochondrial tRNATrp gene.
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