1 | DUP17Q21
| 17q21.31 microduplication patients are characterised by behavioural problems and poor social interaction.
| Grisart B, Willatt L, Destrée A, Fryns JP, Rack K, de Ravel T, Rosenfeld J, Vermeesch JR, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Sandford R.
| J Med Genet 46(8):524-30. Epub 2009 Jun 4.
2 | DEL15Q13, DEL15Q24, DEL16P12, DEL17Q21, DEL1Q41, DEL2P15, DEL9Q22, DUP17Q21
| Novel microdeletion syndromes detected by chromosome microarrays.
| Slavotinek AM.
| Hum Genet May 30. [Epub ahead of print] 2008
| A 17q21.31 microduplication, reciprocal to the newly described 17q21.31 microdeletion, in a girl with severe psychomotor developmental delay and dysmorphic craniofacial features.
| Kirchhoff M, Bisgaard AM, Duno M, Hansen FJ, Schwartz M.
| Eur J Med Genet 50: 256-263 2007